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not match中文翻译,not match是什么意思,not match发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

not match中文翻译,not match是什么意思,not match发音、用法及例句

not match

not match发音

英:  美:

not match中文意思翻译



not match双语使用场景

1、Previous experiments and simulations, however, indicated that the free energy of hydration did not match this predicted linear trend.───然而,过去的研究和模拟表明,烷烃的水化自由能并不符合预计的线性变化趋势。

2、Unclassified Records library to store records submitted to the Records Center that do not match any other Record Routing entry.───未分类记录库,用于存储提交到记录中心但与任何其他记录传送条目均不匹配的记录。

3、French ships, however, were reluctant to call at New Orleans to pick up such cargo because its value did not match its bulk.───然而,法国的驳船却不愿在新奥尔良货运,因为装载货物的价值与驳船的吨位不相符。

4、colour of the shirt does not match that of the coat.───衬衫的颜色与上衣的不相称。

5、Never use a paraglider that does not match your weight and techniques.───永远不要使用和你体重与技术不匹配的滑翔伞。

6、Voynich asked the leading cryptographers of his day to decode the odd script, which did not match that of any known language.───伏尼契敦请当时顶尖的密码学家破解这份奇特的手稿,但它似乎和任何已知的语言都对不起来。

7、Ensure that the name that you specify in the registry must not match the name of any form regions defined in the add-in.───确保您在注册表中指定的名称与外接程序中定义的任何表单区域的名称不匹配。

8、If the argument types do not match any overload exactly, a process of elimination determines which overload is called.───如果参数类型不确切匹配任何重载,则通过一个排除过程来决定调用哪个重载。

9、Our value system does not match with their value system.───我们的价值体系与他们的价值体系不一样。

not match相似词语短语

1、boat patch───船坞

2、book match───纹路对应;拼配(两张饰面扳)使花纹吻合

3、home match───主场比赛


5、test match───国际橄榄球锦标赛;国际板球锦标赛

6、slow match───慢配

7、to match───匹配;相配,相称

8、love match───一方得零局的一场;(自由)恋爱结婚

9、knob latch───旋钮插销

region code not match是什么意思


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