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value for money(value of money中文翻译,value of money是什么意思,value of money发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

value for money(value of money中文翻译,value of money是什么意思,value of money发音、用法及例句)

value of money

value of money发音

英:  美:

value of money中文意思翻译




value of money双语使用场景

1、It is impossible , moreover, to control the value of money under inflation.───此外, 我们不可能控制通货膨胀下的货币价值.

2、We overestimate the value of money.───我们高估了金钱的价值。

3、The value of money lessens during inflation.───通货膨涨期间货币贬值.

4、The value of money is reflected by its purchasing power.───货币的价值通过它的购买力反映出来.

5、I learned as a child the value of money and how to get by without it.───我以前像个孩子一样去了解钱的价值,并学着怎么样白手起家?

6、Don't let your rush for the masks make you forget value of money. Get 1400 loot.───寻找面具时可不要太过匆忙,这样会使你忽略许多金钱. 偷取1400单位的财宝.

7、If you would know the value of money, try to borrow some.───借钱方知钱的价值.

8、Inflation is another influence on the value of money.───通货膨胀是影响币值的另一种因素.

9、Though the value of money rests on a fiction, money serves an extraordinarily useful economic function.───虽然货币的价值依赖于一种虚构, 货币服务于一种非常有用的经济功能.

10、The term inflation signifies a decline in the value of money.───通货膨胀一词意味着货币贬值.

11、Use regular shopping trips as opportunities to teach children the value of money.───在日常的购物过程中教授孩子金钱的价值.

12、As the value of money drops, price rise.───当货币贬值, 物价就上涨.

13、Let's talk about the symbolic value of money _ about what money does and doesn't buy.───现在我们就来谈谈货币象征意义上的价值钱买得到什么,买不到什么.

14、If you would know the Value of money, go and borrow some.───要想知道钱的价值, 就去借一次钱.

15、Anderson, Benjamin, "The Value of Money"; and Mises, Ludwig von, The Theory of Money and Credit..───本杰明·安德森,《货币的价值》。路德维希·冯·米塞斯《货币和信用理论》。

16、Dr. Krueger has a keen and heartfelt understanding of the symbolic value of money.───他对金钱的象征性价值,有着敏感的,衷心的理解力.

17、The value of money is the basic problem of monetary theory.───货币为什么具有价值,这是货币理论的基本问题.

18、In which a constant value of money is the account of accumulated dividends.───其中一笔在不断增值的钱是这个帐户的累积分红.

value of money相似词语短语

1、blood money───血腥钱

2、velocity of money───[金融]货币周转速度

3、for love or money───无论如何

4、velocity of moneys───[金融]货币周转速度

5、Maundy money───濯足节时发的救济金

6、made of money───钱做的

7、caution money───保证金


本杰明·弗兰克说:钱生钱,并且所生之钱会生出更多的钱。这就是货币时间价值的本质。货币的时间价值(Time value of money)这个概念认为,当前拥有的货币比未来收到的同样金额的货币具有更大的价值,


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