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very good翻译中文(very good中文翻译,very good是什么意思,very good发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

very good翻译中文(very good中文翻译,very good是什么意思,very good发音、用法及例句)

very good

very good发音

英:  美:

very good中文意思翻译


adv.很好; 大好

very good双语使用场景

1、"Now give me some account of your voyage." — "Very good, sir."───“现在给我讲述一下你的航程吧。”——“非常乐意,先生。”

2、The show is very amusing and the cast are very good.───演出妙趣横生,演员的表演也很出彩。

3、I'm very good at disciplining myself.───我能做到严格自律。

4、He was very good at his work.───他工作非常出色。

5、He was in a very good temper.───他当时心情非常好。

6、We had a very good mathematics mistress who pulled me up.───我们有个很出色的女数学老师,她帮我提高了水平。

7、She is very good at using her charm to get her way.───她非常善于利用自己的魅力随心所欲。

8、His diction wasn't very good.───他的发音不是很好。

9、The children were very good.───孩子们很听话。

10、I had a very good 14.2 hands pony, called Brandy.───我有一匹很棒的14.2手高的小马,名叫布朗迪。

11、You've a very good idea there. It will make a good book.───你构思很好,可用来写一本佳作。

12、Luckily for me, he spoke very good English.───算我幸运,他英语讲得很好。

13、The wine was very good indeed.───红酒确实非常好。

14、The first difficulty is that, old-fashioned or not, it is very good.───首要的难题是,过时也好,不过时也罢,它很不错。

15、The end result is very good and very successful.───最终结果非常好,非常成功。

16、She has very good sight.───她的视力很好。

17、These cavils aside, most of the essays are very good indeed.───这些吹毛求疵的批评暂且不论,多数论文的确是很不错的。

18、It's not a very good line. Shall we call you back Susan?───电话线路不太好。苏珊,我待会儿再打给你好吗?

very good相似词语短语

1、hard goods───n.耐用之商品

2、jolly good───非常好;好极了

3、for good───永久地;一劳永逸地

4、yard goods───按码出售的织物

5、every pore───每个毛孔

6、dry goods───纺织品,布匹[美国英语];谷物[英国英语]

7、very top───非常顶级

8、gray goods───本色布

9、have a (good───祝你(愉快)

very good 什么意思


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