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举起手来英文(raise your hand中文翻译,raise your hand是什么意思,raise your hand发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

举起手来英文(raise your hand中文翻译,raise your hand是什么意思,raise your hand发音、用法及例句)

1、raise your hand

raise your hand发音

英:  美:

raise your hand中文意思翻译



raise your hand双语使用场景

1、So raise your hand and sing along with me.───所以,扬起你的手与我一起唱歌.

2、How many here, raise your hand?───这里有多少,举起你的手。

3、Your friend was dying in front of your eyes and you couldn't raise your hand?───你的朋友就死在你眼前你却连手都抬不起来?

4、Those who are ready, please raise your hand.───准备好的人, 请举手.

5、Don't you raise your hand to me! It's high treason.───你敢对我动手! 那叫大逆不道.

6、Raise your hand, one two three.───举起你的手, 一二三.

7、Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.───只要举起你的手,出租车就会立刻出现。

8、If you have any question please raise your hand.───如果你有问题,请举手.

9、If at any point, you've got something you want to ask about or some two bits you want to add, raise your hand and wiggle it around to make sure I see you.───任何时刻,如果你有什么想问的或者有什么想补充的,请举手并左右摆动,确保我能看到你。

10、So raise your hand and sing along with me, I dedicate these words to you.───所以,扬起你的手跟我一起唱吧, 我今这些祝福送给你.

11、Angus: OK, if you'd like Rex back with us, raise your hand.───安格斯: 好吧, 如果你同意雷克斯归队, 请举手.

12、It's best not to raise your hand and wave at them either.───最好也不要举手或向他们招手示意.

13、Raise your hand again.───再举起你的手.

14、Dan : Um , raise your hand, if you're over thirty and acting really weird right now.───如果你超过三十岁而且举止怪异的话, 请举起手来.

15、Raise your hand and look at me.───举起你的手并看着我.

16、Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.───只要你招招手, 立刻就会有对外租赁车.

17、Who knows how to calculate the area of a triangle, please raise your hand.───谁知道如何计算三角形的面积, 请举手.

18、And please raise your hand if you think you know China.───认为自己了解中国的朋友请举手.

raise your hand相似词语短语

1、sully your hands───弄脏你的手

2、show your hand───伸出你的手

3、overplay your hand───你的手放得太重了

4、to try your hand───试试你的手

5、lose your head───失去理智;惊慌失措;为爱失首(**名,LoseYourHead)

6、throw in your hand───扔进你的手

7、raise a hand───举起手来

8、chase your tail───瞎忙活,徒劳无功

9、lose your heart───失去你的信心



英:Raise your hand and turn around.


英:What did you have in your hand?


英:Can you shake hands with me?


英:Couples will hand in hand in the street.


英:I 'll never let go of your hand.


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