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confidence level中文翻译,confidence level是什么意思,confidence level发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

confidence level中文翻译,confidence level是什么意思,confidence level发音、用法及例句

confidence level

confidence level发音

英:  美:

confidence level中文意思翻译



confidence level双语使用场景

1、The Confidence Level of a Measurement Uncertainty or Error Limit.───量测误差范或不确定之信心度.

2、Increasing the desired confidence level will widen the confidence interval.───增加理想中的置信程度将会加宽置信区间.

3、Figures of sampling error are calculated at 95 % confidence level with respect to whole sample.───^有关误差数字均以95%置信水平及整体样本计算.

4、As children accomplish new goals, their confidence level increases.───通过逐渐的实现更高更新的目标, 从而提高自信心.

5、The confidence level and uncertainty limit of sum of normal R.───常态随机变数和之均值不确定范围之信心准位.

6、What is your confidence level of correctly pinpointing the house?───是什么让你有把握可以正确指出房子的?

7、The confidence level and uncertainty limit of product of uniform R.───均匀随机变数积之均值不确定范围之信心准位.

8、In applied practice , confidence intervals are typically stated at the 95 % confidence level.───事实上, 95%的置信程度被称为是典型的置信区间.

9、You can choose a different confidence level if you believe it is useful.───你可以另选一个你认为靠谱的信心等级。

10、Calculated at 95 % confidence level using full sample size.───有关误差数字均以95%置信水平及整体样本计算.

11、The confidence level and uncertainty limit of even exponential of uniform R.───均匀随机变数偶指数函数之均值不确定范围之信心准位.

12、The latest poll shows a confidence level of 78 per cent.───最近的民意调查显示,信心水平达百分之七十八.

13、They reflect our mood and our confidence level.───它们反映了我们的情绪和自信程度。

confidence level相似词语短语

1、confidence interval───[统计]置信区间,可靠区间

2、confidence levels───置信级别

3、confidence games───(获得对方信任后的)欺骗(等于confidencetrick)

4、confidence intervals───置信区间;信赖区间;可靠区间

5、confidence game───(获得对方信任后的)欺骗(等于confidencetrick)

6、confidence votes───信任投票

7、confidence limits───置信区间;信赖界限;可信限

8、confidence vote───信任投票

9、confidence men───骗子


置信区间是 confidence interval 置信水平 confidence level 是统计学上的术语

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