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production process中文翻译,production process是什么意思,production process发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

production process中文翻译,production process是什么意思,production process发音、用法及例句

production process

production process发音

英:  美:

production process中文意思翻译




production process双语使用场景

1、For the user design and manufacture special production process of furnace.───为广大用户设计制造特殊生产工艺的电炉.

2、Clean production includes clean energy sources, nontoxic production process and health products.───清洁生产包括了能源, 生产过程以及产品的清洁化.

3、The production process is now highly mechanized.───现在的生产过程高度机械化。

4、Clean production includes a clean production process and resulting a clean product.───清洁生产包括清洁的生产过程和清洁的产品两方面内容.

5、During the production process in the future of cross training company.───今后在生产过程中的交叉培训也是公司应该考虑的.

6、The production process and application of the soap free emulsion were described.───介绍了无皂乳液制备方法及应用.

7、The formulation and production process of the coatings was described.───介绍该涂料的配方和生产方法,初步研究脲醛树脂改性机理.

8、The mechanism and production process of LCC compound promotor has been described.───介绍了LCC复合促进剂的作用机理和生产工艺.

9、production process is to be streamlined.───生产流程还需改进。

10、This paper presents a novel production process of alumina by using isooctanol.───研究了利用异辛醇和金属铝制备高纯氧化铝的工艺.

11、We must reduce loss of resources in the production process.───我们必须减少生产过程中的能源损耗.

12、The whole production process is mechanized, many sections are controlled automatically.───整个生产过程要求机械化, 做到大部分部门自动化控制.

13、Production process used in flammable explosive coal powder drying is empoldered.───开发出了应用于易燃易爆煤粉的一种干燥工艺.

14、The factory manager used a flowchart to explain the production process.───工厂经理用一幅作业图来说明生产过程.

15、Water, malt, hop and yeast are the main components of the beer production process.───水、麦芽、啤酒花和酵母是啤酒酿制过程中的主要成分。

16、This makes the production process for extruding the powder mass very complicated.───这就使得压伸粉状药料的生产方式变得非常复杂.

17、Directs and supervises production process to align with SOP.───严格按照SOP要求指导和规范生产工艺流程.

production process相似词语短语

1、production numbers───全体演员都参加演出的特别节目

2、production costs───生产成本;生产费

3、reproduction proofs───再生产采样

4、production lines───[工经]生产线

5、induction process───诱发过程

6、production values───产值

7、combustion process───[热]燃烧过程

8、production runs───[计][经管]生产运行;大量生产;流水线生产

9、selection process───选拔过程


production process [英]prəˈdʌkʃən ˈprəuses [美]prəˈdʌkʃən ˈprɑsˌɛs 生产过程 [例句]Two operators watch the production process using a special computer program.两个操作员正在使用专门的计算机程序观察生产过程。

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