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禁止吸烟的英语(don t smoke中文翻译,don t smoke是什么意思,don t smoke发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

禁止吸烟的英语(don t smoke中文翻译,don t smoke是什么意思,don t smoke发音、用法及例句)

1、don t smoke

don t smoke发音

英:  美:

don t smoke中文意思翻译



don t smoke双语使用场景

1、Was that as good for you as it was for me? I hope so. Cigarette? No? I don't smoke either.───对你和对我不是一样有好处吗?希望如此。香烟?我也不抽的。

2、Don't smoke, it's not allowed for your own sake and that of others.───为你自己也为他人健康,禁止吸烟。

3、Don't smoke or drink alcohol.───不要吸烟,不要饮酒。

4、I am not a drinker and I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. I would also like to go out with you on weekends and weeknights when I am free.───我不是个酒鬼,我不抽烟,我不吸毒我也想跟你出去在周末和夜生活我有空。

5、I don't smoke so I said sorry I don't have cigarettes.───我不抽烟,所以就跟他们说对不起我没有香烟。

6、No, thank you, I don't smoke but a cup of tea would be nice. And now, let me hear more about the problem of insurance.───谢谢你,来杯茶挺好的,我不抽烟。关于这种保险,还请你多多指教。

7、Don't smoke even if invited to do so. Don't neglect to talk to other people beyond those you are interviewing with.───不要吸烟,即便他们请你那么做。不要忽视和面试官之外的人们交谈。

8、Yes, life expectancy was lower in 1973, but some of that was smoking, and I don't smoke. So where do I sign up for the time machine?───的确1973年的平均寿命是低一些,但是别人抽烟,我不抽。那么我到哪里报名参加时光旅游呢?

9、DON'T SMOKE. Smoking is always bad for the body. Smoking before bedtime keeps you awake.───抽烟绝对对身体有坏处。睡前抽烟会让你无法入眠。

don t smoke相似词语短语

1、toxic smoke───有毒烟雾

2、frost smoke───海上蒸气雾;霜烟;[气象]冻烟


4、to smoke───吸烟

5、column of smoke───烟柱

6、coal smoke───煤烟

7、to besmoke───禁烟


9、wood smoke───木材烟雾;木材烟尘

2、以Don't smoke为题写一篇文章

我找了篇 是 吸烟的危害

Smoking does harm to health.

Mang people around us have developed the habit of smoking,and some of them are even addictted to it.But they don't what price would they pay for that.

The tobacco would produce lots of harmful and poisonous smoke after it is lighted up.And the smoker breathe thoses poisonous and hot smoke right into their lungs through the respiratory tract.This cause a huge hurtness to the both respiratory tract and lungs.And people who smoke are more possibly to get a cancer and some related diseases.

So I suggest you to be away from the cigarette and cherish your health.

其实也差不多的,你可以改成,吸烟有。。。危害,so don't smoke

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