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服装设计师英文(clothes designer中文翻译,clothes designer是什么意思,clothes designer发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

服装设计师英文(clothes designer中文翻译,clothes designer是什么意思,clothes designer发音、用法及例句)

1、clothes designer

clothes designer发音

英:  美:

clothes designer中文意思翻译



clothes designer双语使用场景

1、The clothes designer chose several models to try on his newly designed clothes.───服装设计师选了几个模特来试穿他新设计的服装。

2、The style of this clothes designer is of classic beauty and fresh elegance.───古色古香,清雅素淡,是这个服装设计师的设计风格。

3、Lola's? 1,000 dress was created by dog clothes designer Michele Ochs. It was accompanied by Swarovski leg cuffs costing? 250 and a? 350 crystal lead.───罗拉价值1000英镑的婚纱由狗狗服装设计师米歇尔·奥克斯所设计,袖口和领口所镶的水晶价值分别高达250和350英镑。

4、This clothes designer 's noBle and elegant style of design is praised By experts.───这位服装设计师高贵典雅的设计风格,深得专家好评。

5、Li Feifei, a 19-year-old migrant factory worker from China's Hubei province, dreams of becoming a clothes designer.───来自湖北省的19岁农民工李菲菲(音译,LiFeifei),梦想着有一天能成为一名服装设计师。

6、He wears designer clothes and drives an antique car.───他穿着名师设计的服装,开着一辆老爷车。

7、clothes designer chose several models to try on his newly designed clothes.───服装设计师选了几个模特来试穿他新设计的服装。

clothes designer相似词语短语

1、clothes dryer───[服装]干衣机

2、clothes line───晒衣绳

3、costume designer───服装设计师

4、costume designers───服装设计师

5、clothes drier───干衣机

6、clothes basket───装脏衣服的衣篮

7、clothes lines───晒衣绳

8、clothes hanger───挂衣服的架子;衣架(等于coathanger)

9、clothes driers───干衣机


关键词 潮流trend 赶潮流的trendy 宽松的衣服 loose clothes 追求个性 show off one’s personality 转对话 How about you / what do you think 舒适的comfortable 质量好的be of good quality 名牌 designer clothes 风格 style sportsshirt:运动衫 suit:西装 sandal 凉鞋 sneaker 帆布鞋 颜色:略

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