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ghosttown(ghost town中文翻译,ghost town是什么意思,ghost town发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

ghosttown(ghost town中文翻译,ghost town是什么意思,ghost town发音、用法及例句)

1、ghost town

ghost town发音

英:  美:

ghost town中文意思翻译




ghost town双语使用场景

1、Otherwise the Gaza streets are completely empty ghost town.───否则的话,加沙的街道上空无一人.

2、The airport was like a ghost town, the terminal was empty and eerily silent.───机场像座鬼城, 候机大楼空空荡荡,寂静得可怕.

3、The place has been like a ghost town since they built the new bypass round it.───自从他们沿着那个地方修建了一条新的旁路后,那个地方就一直非常冷清.

4、now, Boten is a ghost town.───而此刻,磨憨还是一个“鬼城”。

5、Ghost town of Djado is steeped in moonlight and mystery.───贾多城的废墟被笼罩在月光和神秘之中.

6、Wickles has led us into a terrifying ghost town!───维克斯领我们进了个恐怖的鬼城!

7、Is it possible a ghost town?───莫非这是鬼城?

8、Two weeks ago Gori was a ghost town, occupied by Russian troops.───两周前, 俄军占领下的戈里变成了一座废弃的小镇.

9、Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two-thirds of its residents.───摩加迪沙2/3的居民已弃城而去,据说已成了一座名副其实的废都。

10、They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector.───他们跌跌撞撞地穿过一座鬼城,那里住着一个泼皮无赖的掘金者。

ghost town相似词语短语

1、ghost moth───幽灵蛾

2、ghost towns───鬼城;城市的废墟

3、post town───n.有独自邮政编码的镇;有邮局的市镇

4、ghost train───魔鬼火车

5、home town───家乡,故乡

6、go to town───上城里去

7、ghost story───鬼故事,神怪小说

8、hose down───用水管浇

9、ghost word───错别字


Ghosttown - MadonnaMaybe

it was all too much


Too much for a man to take


Everything's bound to break


Sooner or later, sooner or later


You're all that I can trust


Facing the darkest days


Everyone ran away


But we're gonna stay here

死生契阔 与子相守

we're gonna stay here

死生契阔 与子相守

Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh

啊啊啊啊 啊啊啊啊I

know you're scared tonight

心惊胆寒 了然于胸

Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh

啊啊啊啊 啊啊啊啊

I'll never leave your side

比翼飞鸟 不弃不离

When it all fallswhen it all falls down

高山无陵 江水为竭

I'll be your fire when the lights go out

灯火阑珊 愿为明烛

When there's no one,no one else around

形影相吊 孤苦无依

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

When the world gets cold


I'll be your cover


Let's just hold


Onto each other


When it all falls,when it all falls down

高山无棱 江水为竭

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

Tell me how we got this far


Every man for himself


Everything's gone to hell

喧嚣尘世 终了有时

We gotta stay strong, we're gonna hold on

傲然挺立 与卿相依

This world has turned to dust


All we've got left is love


Might as well start with us


Singing a new song, something to build on

浅唱新曲 踌躇满志

Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh

啊啊啊啊 啊啊啊啊

I know you're scared tonight

心惊胆寒 了然于胸

Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhh

啊啊啊啊 啊啊啊啊

I'll never leave your side

比翼飞鸟 不弃不离

When it all falls,when it all falls down

高山无陵 江水为竭

I'll be your fire when the lights go out

灯火阑珊 愿为明烛

When there's no one, no one else around

形影相吊 孤苦无依

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

When the world gets cold


I'll be your cover


Let's just hold


Onto each other


When it all falls, when it all falls down

高山无陵 江水为竭

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

I know we're alright


Cause we'll never be alone


In this mad mad, in this mad mad world

癫狂世界 癫狂世界

Even with no light


We're gonna shine like gold


In this mad mad, in this mad mad world

癫狂世界 癫狂世界

When it all falls, when it all falls down

高山无陵 江水为竭

I'll be your fire when the lights go out

灯火阑珊 愿为明烛

When there's no one, no one else around

形影相吊 孤苦无依

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

When it all falls, when it all falls down

高山无陵 江水为竭

I'll be your fire when the lights go out

灯火阑珊 愿为明烛

When there's no one, no one else around

形影相吊 孤苦无依

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

When the world gets cold


I'll be your cover


Let's just hold


Onto each other


When it all falls, when it all falls down

高山无陵 江水为竭

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

When it all falls, when it all falls down

高山无陵 江水为竭

We'll be two souls in a ghost town

鬼魅之城 灵心相印 吾与君伴

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