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辣椒酱英文(chilli sauce中文翻译,chilli sauce是什么意思,chilli sauce发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

辣椒酱英文(chilli sauce中文翻译,chilli sauce是什么意思,chilli sauce发音、用法及例句)

chilli sauce

chilli sauce发音

英:  美:

chilli sauce中文意思翻译


n.辣椒酱; 辣酱油


chilli sauce双语使用场景

1、Sliced Chilli Sauce is a delicous dish in China.───夫妻肺片是一道很经典的中国菜.

2、I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauce are quite special.───我觉得麻婆豆腐和鱼香肉丝味道不错.

3、I squeezed the juice out of the lemon and mixed it with the chilli sauce.───我把柠檬的汁挤了出来,并把它和辣酱调在一起.

4、Then we have a saute chicken cubelets with chilli and a beancurd with minced pork in chilli sauce, ok?───那我们来一个辣子鸡丁和 一个麻婆豆腐怎么样?

5、We have produced a variety of dipping sauce chilli sauce season.───我公司生产各种蘸酱、辣椒酱、调味酱等。

6、Serve the spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce and mixed salad leaves.───佐以甜辣酱和综合碧绿沙拉食用.

7、Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.───辣椒酱可以挑逗我们的味觉.

8、We have beef in a chilli sauce today.───今天我们供应麻辣牛肉。

chilli sauce相似词语短语

1、caper sauce───续随子酱

2、chili sauces───n.辣酱油;辣味番茄酱

3、apple sauce───苹果酱;苹果泥

4、Melba sauce───n.野莓酱

5、white sauce───白调味汁;白汁沙司

6、chilli powder───辣椒粉

7、chili sauce───n.辣酱油;辣味番茄酱

8、chilli sauces───n.辣椒酱;辣酱油

9、child abuse───虐待儿童,摧残儿童



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