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exclusion zone中文翻译,exclusion zone是什么意思,exclusion zone发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

exclusion zone中文翻译,exclusion zone是什么意思,exclusion zone发音、用法及例句

1、exclusion zone

exclusion zone发音

英:  美:

exclusion zone中文意思翻译



exclusion zone双语使用场景

1、Since 2011, tourists have been allowed to visit Chernobyl. Much of the Chernobyl exclusion zone provides a snapshot of Cold War tensions, frozen in time in 1986.───以来,游客已经可以进入切尔诺贝利参观,切尔诺贝利无人区是冷战时期紧张局势的缩影,保留了1986年时的样子。

2、Nato defence ministers have resisted calls for an air exclusion zone over Libya.───北约各国国防部长拒绝对利比亚实施航空管制。

3、A three kilometer exclusion zone has been established around the affective farm as well as ten kilometer's surveillance area .───方圆三公里的隔离区和十公里的监视区已经建立。

4、A 20km exclusion zone has been imposed and radiation levels will not be brought down to safe levels for at least another six months.───半径20千米的隔离区虽然已加强防护,可是辐射量至少还需6个月才会下降到安全水平。

5、Col . Lapan was not able to immediately provide information about when the U. S. military set the 50- mile exclusion zone .───至于美国军方何时划定了这片50英里禁区,拉潘暂时无法提供信息。

6、Japanese police control a checkpoint near the edge of the "exclusion zone" that surrounds the nuclear plant.───环绕核电站的警戒区边界时,在检查站接受日本警方检查。

7、Tens of thousands of residents were evacuated from an exclusion zone around the plant as workers battled to bring reactors under control.───核电站附近隔离区的数万名居民被迫疏散,工作人员尽力控制住核反应堆的状况。

8、Wildlife in the exclusion zone increased despite the radiation, since people left the area after the 1986 nuclear disaster, keepers of the reserve said.───保护区的管理员说,自从1986年切尔诺贝利核电站发生的核灾难之后,当地居民搬离了这里,尽管受到辐射的影响,隔离区内野生动物还是增多了。

9、Three- kilometer exclusion zone has been established around the affected farm as well as a ten- kilometer surveillance area .───以被感染的农场为中心,建立了三千米的隔离区和十千米的监控区。

exclusion zone相似词语短语

1、exclusion clause───除外条款

2、exclusion zones───禁区

3、exclusion order───驱逐令

4、exclusion clauses───免责条款

5、demolition zone───拆除区

6、abscission zone───离层带;离层区

7、exclusive hotel───独家酒店

8、exclusion orders───驱逐令

9、exclusionary rule───证据排除法则;不采纳规定





1. 专属管辖权 exclusive jurisdiction;

2. 专属经济区 exclusive economic zone;

3. 专属权利 exclusive right;

4. 专属区 exclusive area;

5. 专属渔区 exclusive fishing zone;

6. 专属渔权 exclusive fishery right;

7. 专属主权 exclusive sovereignty

以上来源于: 《新汉英大辞典》

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