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bit by bit中文翻译,bit by bit是什么意思,bit by bit发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

bit by bit中文翻译,bit by bit是什么意思,bit by bit发音、用法及例句

bit by bit

bit by bit发音

英:  美:

bit by bit中文意思翻译



一点儿一点儿地,逐渐地; 点点滴滴; 一点一滴

bit by bit双语使用场景

1、She'll break up bit by bit.───她(船)会一块一块地破裂.

2、This doing things bit by bit gets on my nerves!───这么零零碎碎的看着揪心!

3、As the mist cleared, the house came into sight bit by bit.───随着雾散天晴, 房舍逐渐呈现在眼前.

4、Bit by bit we became acquainted with each other.───我们就这样一点点熟悉了.

5、We'll do it bit by bit.───我们会一点一点地做。

6、Bit by bit , she extracted from him discreditable history.───她一点一点地从他嘴里引出他那不光彩的历史.

7、She came round, bit by bit.───她还是一点儿一点儿地缓了过来.

8、Bit by bIt'she closed the gap.───她一点一点地缩短了距离.

9、The boy was tired but he climbed the hill bit by bit.───那个男孩累了,但是他一步一步地爬上山了.

10、Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.───我逐渐明白了他们想要干什么。

11、The materials have been gathered bit by bit.───这些材料是点点滴滴收集来的.

12、Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.───鲍勃一步一步劝说弗里茨卖掉了他的控股权益。

13、They assembled the model ship bit by bit.───他们一块一块地装配宇宙飞船的模型.

14、The work was never finished and bit by bit the building fell apart.───这项工程从来没有完工,该建筑一点一点地坍塌了。

15、He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.───他把飞机模型一点一点地组装起来。

16、Bit by bit, the group accepted the idea.───渐渐地, 大家接受了这个想法.

17、He dug the garden bit by bit.───他一点一点地挖园子.

18、The collective wealth has been accumulated bit by bit.───集体的家业是一点一滴地积攒起来的.

bit by bit相似词语短语

1、tiny bit───一点点

2、tray bit───托盘钻头

3、a bit, for a bit───一点点,一点点

4、bergy bit───冰山块;小冰山

5、not a bit───一点也不;丝毫不

6、quite a bit───adv.相当多

7、a bit of skirt───一点裙子

bit by bit还是bit and bit?

Bit by bit 和 bit and bit 都是表示逐渐或一个一个地进行某项工作或任务的短语,但在使用场景上略有不同。Bit by bit 更强调一个逐渐的过程,强调每一步都是必要的,比如“我们要bit by bit地重建这个公司。”

Bit and bit 则更注重完成一个任务所需的每一项任务或工作,强调逐步完成以达到目标,如“我们需要bit and bit地将工作完成,然后才能赶上最终的截止日期。”


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