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national debt中文翻译,national debt是什么意思,national debt发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

national debt中文翻译,national debt是什么意思,national debt发音、用法及例句

national debt

national debt发音

英:[ˌnæʃnəl ˈdet]  美:[ˌnæʃnəl ˈdet]

英:  美:

national debt中文意思翻译



national debt双语使用场景

1、The national debt is analogous with private debt.───国债和私人债务类似.

2、All banks underwrite national debt.───各大银行都有国债承购包销的业务.

3、They also worried about Greece's national debt, an issue that flared again last week.───投资者还担忧希腊的主权债务问题, 上周这个问题再度爆发.

4、The increase in the national debt stems from the last war.───国债增长起源于上次战争.

5、This involves an increase of the national debt.───这样就难免使国债增加.

6、US's national debt scale is also at the moderate condition in the gdp proportion.───美国的国债规模在gdp中的比例还处于适度状态.

7、He talked about the importance of reducing the national debt.───他谈了减少国债的重要性。

8、Those moves, if enacted into law, would make it harder — not easier — to keep Republican commitments to curb the national debt and the budget deficit.───如果将这些行动写进法律的话,将会让共和党人履行关于控制国债和赤字规模的承诺,变得更加困难。

9、National debt is a special finance category.───国债是一个非凡的财政范畴.

10、As for paying your creditors in full , I as well hope to pay the National Debt.───你的债我可付不了,那倒不如叫我给政府还外债呢.

11、The government made every effort to staBilize the economy By liquidating the national deBt.───政府以清偿国家债务力谋稳定经济.

12、The government made every effort to stabilize the economy by liquidating the national debt.───政府以清偿国家债务以求稳定经济.

13、One is to maintain appropriate financial deficit and national debt.───一是保持适度的财政赤字和国债规模.

14、The national debt has increased, with no offsetting asset placed on the government's balance sheet.───国债增加了, 但并没有将起抵消作用的资产置放于政府的资产负债表之上.

15、That bill was a compromise between for more spending and concerns about the rising national debt.───这个法案在要求提高消费和考虑国家债务上升之间达成了妥协.

16、Before going further, it may be useful to get some perspective on the national debt.───在作进一步讨论前, 先观察一下国内负债情况可能是有用的.

17、The wealth effect has a relationship to the stock of national debt.───但是,这一财富效应却是与国债存量相关的.

18、The time has come to talk turkey about our national debt.───是该严肃地讨论一下我国的负债问题了.

19、Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt.───增加税收已使国债有所减少。

20、We have 60 cents left after the military and interest on the national debt.───在除去军事开支和国债利息之后,我们剩下了60%.

21、The bond market could freak out over excessive national debt.───过高的国家债务可能让债券市场陷入恐慌.

22、The country has a national debt of 80 % of GNP.───这个国家的国债相当于国民生产总值的80%.

23、The British National Debt amounts to many thousands of millions of pounds.───英国国债总计达数十亿英镑.

24、With this breakthrough, the Wall Street figures on the national debt clock shows the difficulties arise.───随着这一突破, 华尔街上的国债钟显示数字出现了困难.

25、The national debt , however, will grow dangerously large much sooner.───而国债将更快膨胀到危险的地步.

26、Italy's winning of the 2006 football World Cup did not save it from national debt.───意大利赢得了2006年世界杯冠军,也未能把它从国债中挽救出来.

27、It'soon became clear that Kreuger's businesses owed more than the country's national debt.───而此时,这个国家的自杀率在上升,首相被迫下野.

28、Party leaders warn that will result in a huge increase in the national debt.───共和党领导人警告说,这会导致国家债务的巨大的增长.

29、The war involved an enormous increase in their national debt.───这次战争使他们大量增加了国债.

30、The national debt policy in China at present is not based on Keynesianism.───我国当前的国债政策主要不是依据凯恩斯主义.

31、Since country resumed issuing the national debt in 1981, the national debt market developed rapidly.───我国于1981年恢复发行国债以来, 国债市场迅速发展.

32、A run of budget surpluses has wiped out its national debt.───持续的预算盈余已勾销了国债.

33、That means increasing national debt and extending the monetary base.───这意味着增加国家债务和扩大货币基础.

national debt相似词语短语

1、national debts───国债

2、national hunts───全国狩猎

3、rational dress───合理服饰

4、national codes───国家标准

5、national hunt───全国狩猎

6、national hero───民族英雄;国家英雄

7、national dress───民族服装

8、national forest───国家森林;[林]国有林;国有森林

9、national press───民族压力




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