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cloud nine中文翻译,cloud nine是什么意思,cloud nine发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

cloud nine中文翻译,cloud nine是什么意思,cloud nine发音、用法及例句

cloud nine

cloud nine发音

英:  美:

cloud nine中文意思翻译




cloud nine双语使用场景

1、I was on cloud nine when her mother came out of the house with a broom.───正当我飞上了九霄云外,她妈妈从屋里拿着扫帚出来.

2、I've finally landed my dream job! I'm on cloud nine.───我终于找到梦想中的工作了! 真是乐透了.

3、When Michael was born I was on cloud nine.───迈克尔出生的时候,我都乐得找不着北了。

4、Lisa: It'sure is. I've been on cloud nine all day long.───丽莎: 的确是. 我一整天都飘飘然,就像置身在云端上.

5、He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.───他在比赛胜利后欣喜若狂.

6、Bob has been on cloud nine all this week.───鲍伯一周都十分兴奋.

7、She's been on cloud nine ever since she heard the news.───她听到这个消息之后乐不可支.

8、Tom was on cloud nine after he learned the good news.───汤姆得知这个好消息后,高兴得不得了.

9、What happened to the Cloud Nine?───星云九号后来发生了什么?

10、He was on cloud nine after winning the marathon.───他赢了马拉松比赛之后,极度兴奋.

11、Dad bought me a bike, and I was on cloud nine.───爸爸给我买了辆自行车, 我万分高兴.

12、She has been on cloud nine since the magazine printed the story she wrote.───自从那份杂志发表了一篇她写的故事后,她高兴得不得了.

13、He's on cloud nine.───他的心已飞到九霄云外。

14、I! I feel like I'm on cloud nine!───我也是,我觉得像是上了九重天!

15、She was on cloud nine when she heard the good news.───她听到那个好消息时非常高兴.

16、Kitty was on cloud nine when she heard the good news.───吉蒂听到那个好消息时,非常高兴.

17、So am I! I feel like I'm on cloud nine!───我也是,我觉得像是上了九重天!

18、We were on cloud nine when our team won the championship.───当我们的队赢得冠军时,我们欣喜若狂.

cloud nine相似词语短语

1、cloud cover───[气象]云量


3、loud noise───嘈杂的噪声;吵闹的噪音

4、cloud nines───n.九重天(想象中的天堂);极乐心境;狂喜状态


6、on cloud nine───非常高兴,九霄云上


8、cloud bases───云基地

9、cloud base───云霄基地;[气象]云底

be on cloud nine是什么意思?

be on cloud nine[英][bi: ɔn klaud naɪn][美][bi ɑn klaʊd naɪn]欣喜若狂; 得意忘形; 例句:

1.Is on dr. rosen's cloud drive? 就藏在罗森博士的云盘里呢?

2.Mr. small: we're on nine channels in china now. 斯莫尔:现在,中国有九个频道在转播我们的比赛。

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