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solid state中文翻译,solid state是什么意思,solid state发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

solid state中文翻译,solid state是什么意思,solid state发音、用法及例句

solid state

solid state发音

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solid state中文意思翻译




solid state双语使用场景

1、The ORTEP diagram shows that the cation adopts an eclipsed conformation in the solid state.───从奥尔特普图可以看出,阳离子在固态时呈重叠式构象。

2、They are a compromise, a dilution of the solid - state architecture of digital computers.───它们是一种妥协, 对数字计算机体系结构的调整.

3、Apacer has announced a pair of new solid state drives, one using the mPDM+ form factor and one using the M.2 form factor.───宇瞻科技宣布一对新的固态硬盘,一个使用 mPDM + 形式因素和一个使用 M.2 形式因素。

4、The glucopyranose forms of glucose predominate in solution, and are the only forms observed in the solid state.───葡萄糖的吡喃糖形式在溶液中占优势,并且是在固态中观察到的唯一形式。

5、However, solid state dosimetry with thermoluminescent materials is also included.───然而, 也论及使用热释光材料的固体剂量学.

6、The electrical section contains the solid - state proportional temperature controllers and solenoid valves.───电子控制室内有固体线路的比例温度控制器和电磁阀.

7、This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics.───这本书介绍了固态物理中一些最激动人心的发现。

8、Nonvolatile solid - state memory is a lot more expensive than disk drives are.───不 丢失数据 的内存比硬盘的成本贵了很多,可靠的宽带网络则更加昂贵.

9、The solid - state controller has an electronic timer which provides an extremely short time base.───在固定调节器中,有一只电子定时器,它能提供极小的定时常数.

10、Photovoltaic cells are a product of modern solid - state physics.───光电池是现代固体物理学的产物.

11、Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes.───水结冰是由液态变为固态.

12、A solid - state analog controller eliminates radio frequency interference to sensitive equipment nearby.───半导体(固态)模拟控制器避免了对附近敏感设备的无线电频率干扰.

13、Additionally builds the solid state rate schedule sensor, time stable movement.───增设固态行程感应器, 长久稳定运行.

14、The salts may be used to make solid - state batteries.───这些金属盐可用来制造固体电池组.

15、Ice is water in a solid state.───冰是固态的水.

16、Thermal - power solid - state laser slabs limit enhancements of their laser powers.───高热负荷固体激光介质的热效应是制约激光器功率提高的严重障碍.

17、Before you get solid - state fridge, though, look for electronics applications.───但在你买到电子冰箱之前, 这种材料更有可能在电子产品上得到应用.

18、Tracer techniques give information about structure and reactions in solid state physics.───示踪法技术在固态物理学方面给出有关结构和反应的信息.

solid state相似词语短语


2、failed state───失效状态


4、solid surface───固体表面;实体曲面

5、rogue state───无赖国家

6、police states───n.警察国家;极权国家

7、ground state───n.[物]基态

8、police state───n.警察国家;极权国家

9、steady state───[物]定态;恒稳态


固态继电器(Solid State Relay,缩写SSR),是由微电子电路,分立电子器件,电力电子功率器件组成的无触点开关。用隔离器件实现了控制端与负载端的隔离。固态继电器的输入端用微小的控制信号,达到直接驱动大电流负载。

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