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present with中文翻译,present with是什么意思,present with发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

present with中文翻译,present with是什么意思,present with发音、用法及例句

present with

present with发音

英:  美:

present with中文意思翻译



present with双语使用场景

1、Both youth present with their set critical life issues.───两个少年都表达了他们自己对生活问题的观点.

2、The patient may present with pain, especially in the lumbar region.───病人可能出现疼痛, 特别是腰部.

3、Fewer than 4% of brain tumours present with a headache.───超过4%的脑肿瘤患者伴有头痛症状。

4、At present, with the development of pharmaceutical and foodstuff, rotatory sterilizer is needed more and more.───目前, 随着制药、食品等行业的发展, 越来越需要旋转式灭菌设备.

5、Patients can present with an altered mental state, bradypnea, spastic paraparesis and even a "locked in" syndrome.───病人可能出现精神异常,呼吸过缓,痉挛性轻截瘫,甚至“锁定”状态。

6、I gave him a lighter as his Christmas present with 7 letters.───我送给他一支火机作为圣诞礼物,还有7封信.

7、Our Heavenly Father is always present with us.───我们的天父也是一直与我们同在.

8、Watchman should be present with fire extinguishers.───看护人旁边必须放置灭火器.

9、Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.───感冒时流鼻涕很常见,一般而言一周左右会自愈.

10、Wilms tumors often present with an asymptomatic abdominal mass.───肾母细胞瘤常表现为无症状的腹部肿块.

11、Such a neoplasm often present with abnormal bleeding.───此种肿瘤常造成不规则出血.

12、Simulation is also present with theory analysis in the paper.───文章在理论分析的同时给出了仿真结果.

13、In whatever she did, she was fully present , with ease, stillness, and simplicity.───无论什么事情, 她总是全神贯注, 从容, 平静, 简单地去做.

14、Infected patients usually present with severe headache, neck stiffness, nausea and vomiting.───感染的病人通常表现严重的头痛, 颈部僵硬, 恶心和呕吐.

15、When the offerings were finished , the king and everyone present with him knelt down and worshiped.───献完了祭 、 和一切跟随的人都俯伏敬拜.

16、Anaphylaxis, as discussed earlier in the week, may also present with bronchoconstriction.───如前讨论所述, 过敏反应也可出现支气管收缩.

17、He accepted the present with hearty thanks.───他收纳礼物,衷心致谢.

18、She chose the present with loving care.───她满怀爱意精心挑选了这件礼物。

present with相似词语短语


2、meet with───符合;偶然遇见;遭受

3、pleased with───对…感到高兴;对…感到满意

4、present data───展示数据;当前数据

5、present arms───举枪致敬


7、;oken with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂


9、present day───今朝

Present with present to区别?

Present with释义:



She chose the present with loving care.


present to释义:



She also suggested that Heidi might bring a lovely present to the grandmother when she came back.


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