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world wide中文翻译,world wide是什么意思,world wide发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

world wide中文翻译,world wide是什么意思,world wide发音、用法及例句

world wide

world wide发音

英:  美:

world wide中文意思翻译





world wide双语使用场景

1、Together, the Internet and the World Wide Web have changed the world.───因特网和万维网一起改变了世界。

2、Our product is sold world - wide.───我们的产品行销世界各地.

3、The money came from world - wide contribution.───这笔钱是世界各地捐赠的.

4、Electricity has found world - wide applications since it was discovered.───自从它被发现以来,它已得到了世界范围的应用.

5、World - wide acceptance provides easy service in most engine and governor shops.───世界各地的接受提供简便的服务,在大多数发动机和总督店.

6、The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet's world wide web.───该学位课程将通过互联网来提供可远程访问的课程资料。

7、It is accepted that the superpowers are each seeking world wide domination.───公认的事实是:超级大国都在各自寻求世界范围的支配权.

8、The pyramid scheme was marketed through a home page on the World Wide Web.───这个金字塔式销售是通过万维网的一个主页进行交易的。

9、Electricity lamp has found world-wide applications since it was invented.───自从电灯被发明以来,它已得到了世界范围的应用。

10、World - wide, we're on the charts with a bullet and still climbin '.───世界范围, 我们在一张有子弹的图标表上并且销量继续攀升.

11、There are over 550 million firearms in world - wide circulation.───这个世界上的轻武器超过5亿5千万.

12、A Parallel Partial Differential Equations Solver Generator on World Wide Web.───在分散式记忆体环境下以全球资讯网为介面的平行化解偏微分方程之平行程式产生器的研发.

13、Setup is not able to start World Wide Web Publishing Service.───安装程序无法启动万维网发布服务.

14、Currently World Wide Web is developing rapidly in broadness and depth.───当前,WorldWideWeb正向应用的深度和广度方面迅速发展.

15、Electricity have found world - wide application since it has been discover.───自从电被发现以来,它已得到了世界范围的应用.

16、As long ago as 1970, the band started gaining world wide popularity.───早在1970年这支乐队就开始风靡全世界了.

17、This information will be viewable by others on the World Wide Web.───该信息可被万维网上的其他用户看到.

18、The desertification of land by the current world - wide attention.───留学解答资讯网:土地的沙漠化得到了当今世界广范围的重视.

world wide相似词语短语

1、world war───世界大战

2、world leader───世界领导者;世界领袖

3、world view───n.世界观


5、world wars───世界大战

6、world title───世界冠军


8、world titles───世界冠军


World Wide Web Publishing Service是什么?关掉后会影响计算机的使用吗?

World Wide Web Publishing Service是WWW服务。是一种建立在超文本基础上的浏览、查询因特网信息的方式,它以交互方式查询并且访问存放于远程计算机的信息,为多种因特网浏览与检索访问提供一个单独一致的访问机制。


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