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in the charge of中文翻译,in the charge of是什么意思,in the charge of发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

in the charge of中文翻译,in the charge of是什么意思,in the charge of发音、用法及例句

in the charge of

in the charge of发音

英:  美:

in the charge of中文意思翻译




in the charge of双语使用场景

1、The children were left in the charge of a nurse.───孩子们留下来由保姆照管.

2、I have placed the documents in the charge of my bank manager.───我已把这些文件交给我的银行经理来照管.

3、Mother puts the baby in the charge of the baby - sitter while she is out.───母亲外出时,婴儿交给临时保姆照顾.

4、This ward of the hospital in the charge of Dr. Smith.───医院的这个病房由史密斯医生负责.

5、This department is in the charge of Sun Qing.───这一部门由孙清主管.

6、The bus was in the charge of the driver.───这辆公共汽车由这位司机管理.

7、If all the information is in the charge of a small group, the combination of this absolutely administration and commercial profit may be very dangerous to the benefit of common users.───如果信息都被一个小的集团所掌握,这种绝对的控制和对商业利润的追求,有可能会危害到普通用户的利益。

8、This ward is in the charge of Dr. Green.───此间病房由格林医生负责.

9、But sometime I was in the charge of my heart.───但是某时我是在我的心脏充电。

10、Those industries are in the charge of one trade union.───那些产业受工会的管理.

11、While our manager is away on business, our company will be in the charge of Mr. Zhang.───经理外出出差的时候,我们公司的业务将由张先生负责。

12、The ward of the hospital is in the charge of Dr. Green.───医院的这间病房由格林医生负责.

13、This ward is in the charge of Dr. Smith.───这间病房是由史密斯大夫负责的.

14、The money was given in the charge of Mr Jackson for safekeeping.───把钱交给杰克逊先生负责保管.

15、This project is in the charge of the GaoChang Science & Technology Co.───本项目由合肥高创 科技 发展有限公司负责建设.

16、The boy was taken in the charge of his tutor.───这男孩受他的家庭教师管理.

17、This ward of the hospital is now in the charge of Dr. lin.───医院的这间病房现由林医生负责.

18、The factory is in the charge of Li Hai.───这家工厂的厂长是李华.

in the charge of相似词语短语

1、in charge of───负责;主管

2、on the verge of───濒临于;接近于

3、in the wake of───紧紧跟随;随着…而来;作为…的结果;仿效

4、in the throes of───处于……困境中;在……的挣扎中;在……的痛苦中

5、in the face of───面对

6、in the shadow of───在…附近

7、in the name of───以…的名义

8、in the shape of───以…的形式;呈…的形状

9、in the course of───在…过程中;在…期间

in the charge of和in charge of有什么区别?


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