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compressive strength中文翻译,compressive strength是什么意思,compressive strength发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

compressive strength中文翻译,compressive strength是什么意思,compressive strength发音、用法及例句

1、compressive strength

compressive strength发音

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compressive strength中文意思翻译




compressive strength双语使用场景

1、Autogenous deformations, internal relative humidity and compressive strength were recorded.───自体变形, 内部相对湿度和抗压强度的记录.

2、The research indicated that dispersal coefficient and compressive strength of the composites increase with the volume fraction.───研究表明,随着钢纤维的体积分数增大,复合材料的分散系数和抗压强度增加。

3、The effect of fiber on compressive strength of hardened body was investigated during immersion process.───研究了仿生浸泡过程纤维对骨水泥复合材料力学性能和降解性的影响.

4、The effect of fineness of slag on the workability and compressive strength of HSC is tested.───本文测试了矿渣细度对高强混凝土流动性和抗压强度的影响.

5、The compressive strength was as high as 350 MPa.───抗压强度高达350MPa以上.

6、Low compressive strength of the soft formation, such as mudstone, gypsum, gypsum, soft shale, soft limestone, sandstone.───低抗压强度的软地层,如泥岩。石膏。盐岩。软页岩。软石灰岩。砂岩。

7、The influence of shrinkage reducing admixture on autogenous shrinkage, workability and compressive strength was investigated.───文中考察了减缩剂对混凝土自收缩 、 工作性、强度等性能的影响.

8、The effects of different temperatures on compressive strength and bulk density were studied.───主要探讨了不同的烧结温度对试样的耐压强度和体积密度的影响.

9、An empirical equation describing the relationship of elastic modulus and compressive strength of RAC is obtained.───建立了再生骨料混凝土弹性模量与立方体抗压强度的相关关系式.

10、Concrete is a brittle material, so its compressive strength is high, but tensile is low.───混凝土是一种脆性材料, 抗压强度高, 而抗拉强度则较低.

11、Most metals have high tensile strength and high compressive strength.───大部分金属具有较高的抗张强度和较高的耐压强度.

12、The cementitiousness of the raw coalstrong influence on the briquette thermal compressive strength during carbonization.───本文研究了城市两段炉用型煤的热强度特性曲线,结果表明,在干馏段型煤热强度的变化受煤种的影响很大.

13、Production of products of high compressive strength, the standard specifications, design aesthetic.───生产的制品抗压强度高 、 规格标准 、 图案美观.

14、The samples were briquetted respectively by universal testing machine, and the compressive strength briquette was measured.───利用材料试验机将试样分别压制成型煤, 并测定型煤的抗压强度.

15、Based on such study theamong particles in briquette were quantitatively the compressive strength of briquette.───基于此研究提出了定量表征型煤内颗粒间作用力大小的指标——抗压强度.

16、There was no direct relation between residual compressive strength and impact damage area.───层合板的剩余压缩强度与板的冲击损伤面积无直接关系.

17、Laboratory testing included sieve analyses and unconfined compressive strength testing.───实验室测试包括筛分析及无侧限抗压强度测试.

18、Medium hard formation with high compressive strength. Such as hard shale, limestone, sandstone, dolomite, anhydrite and marble.───高抗压强度的中硬地层,如硬页岩。石灰岩。砂岩。白云岩。和硬石膏。大理石。

compressive strength相似词语短语

1、improved strength───增强的力量

2、collective strength───集体力量

3、core strength───中枢肌肉力量

4、improve strength───提高力量

5、defensive strength───防御力

6、compression stroke───[机]压缩冲程

7、compression strokes───[机]压缩冲程





抗压强度(compressive strength)代号σbc,指外力是压力时的强度极限。



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