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general election中文翻译,general election是什么意思,general election发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

general election中文翻译,general election是什么意思,general election发音、用法及例句

general election

general election发音

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general election中文意思翻译



general election双语使用场景

1、The call for a boycott could be enough to seal the fate of next week's general election.───抵制选举的呼吁足以注定下周大选失败的命运。

2、Street raised $10 million during his primary and general election.───特里特在他的初选和大选中筹集了1千万美元。

3、I wonder if anyone would make this an issue in the coming General Election.───就不知在来届大选,会不会有人把它当着竞选课题?

4、That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election.───工党那点斩获远不足以让他们赢得大选。

5、He polls only 123 votes in the general election.───在大选中他仅获得123张选票.

6、Ron has been right about the result of every General Election but one.───罗恩对于历届大选结果都预测对了,只有一次除外。

7、Barbados could have three new political parties battling it out in the next General Election.───在下一届大选中,巴巴多斯可能有三个新的政党参加角逐。

8、His Congress party said he would still lead it into a general election due by May.───其所在的国大党表示他将继续领导该党派参加今年五月举行的大选.

9、A general election became a certainty last week.───普选上周已成必然。

10、There's ( some ) talk of a general election.───谣传 要进行大选.

11、In the Greek general election, the New Democracy party has claimed victory.───新民主党在希腊大选中获胜。

12、The Conservative Party's victory in April's general election persuaded him to run for President again.───4月保守党在大选中获胜促使他再次竞选总统。

13、A general election will be in prospect.───换届选举即将进行.

14、A general Election must be held every five years and is often at more frequent intervals.───大选必须五年举行一次,但经常不到五年就进行一次选举.

15、An early general election is certainly on the cards.───早日举行大选确有可能.

16、The General Election gave him no such mandate.───大选并未授予他这种权力.

17、It seems many people would vote for the government, at a general election, if there was a new leader.───如果有一个新领导人的话,大选时似乎许多人都会投票支持政府。

18、Several books on the General Election were rushed out within a month.───在短短1个月的时间内. 匆匆出版了好几本有关大选的书.

19、Pakistan's general election was a humiliation for the embattled presidency of Pervez Musharraf.───巴基斯坦的大选让四面楚歌的总统佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫蒙羞.

20、Their principal concern is bound to be that of winning the next general election.───他们最关心的问题肯定是赢得下一次大选。

21、Second, we should assist the Afghan government in holding a smooth general election.───第二, 协助阿政府顺利举行大选.

22、The LRC changed its name to Labor Party for the general election called for in 1906.───1906年的大选迫使工人代表委员会及时更名为工党.

23、Against the run of the polls, the Socialist Workers' Party won Sunday's general election by an unexpectedly large margin.───工人社会党逆转乾坤,出乎意料地以较大优势获得了星期天大选的胜利。

24、General election is to at air flow air compressor and air pressure.───一般选空压机是看气流量,以及空气压力.

25、There is a rumor that there will be a General Election in the autumn.───据传闻今秋将举行普选.

26、The country is in the throes of a general election.───该国正忙于大选。

27、A General Election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other.───一场决定他命运的大选即将举行。

28、The government, who are looking for a quick victory, are calling for a general election soon.───政府希望很快获胜, 要求立即进行大选.

29、Which party will be in office after the next general election?───哪一个政党会在下一次大选后执政?

30、A general election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other.───一场将左右他命运的大选即将举行。

31、He said he would seek to unify the Conservative Party and win the next general election.───他说他将寻求团结保守党,赢得下届大选。

general election相似词语短语

1、gender selections───性别选择

2、general precession───总岁差

3、general direction───大方向

4、general elections───大选,普选

5、mayoral election───市长大选

6、natural selection───[进化]自然选择;物竞天择说

7、general aviation───通用航空;专用航空;普通航空业

8、general taxation───普通税收

9、gender selection───性别选择


应该是: throes , throe n. 的复数, 剧痛 throe v. 苦苦挣扎 throes , 单数第三人称形式e. g. The country is in the throes of a general election. 该国正忙于大选。

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