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bestseller是什么意思(best sellers中文翻译,best sellers是什么意思,best sellers发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

bestseller是什么意思(best sellers中文翻译,best sellers是什么意思,best sellers发音、用法及例句)

best sellers

best sellers发音

英:  美:

best sellers中文意思翻译


n.<美>畅销书,金唱片,畅销书的作者( best seller的名词复数 )

best sellers双语使用场景

1、They are not best sellers for a year or two. They are enduring best sellers.───它们不是风行一两年的畅销书, 而是经久不衰的畅销书.

2、They are not best sellers for a year ortwo , but enduring best sellers.───它们不是一二年的畅销书籍, 而是经久不衰的畅销书籍.

3、She sprang fifty dollars for best sellers.───她花五十元钱买畅销书.

4、He authored two best - sellers .───他写过两部 畅销书.

5、Historical best sellers reek with sentiment.───历史方面的畅销书都充满情趣.

6、They went on to become best sellers, and then international best sellers, and then a global phenomenon that has generated a fortune in royalties.───这三本书逐渐变成畅销书,接着变成国际畅销书,然后变成一种全球现象并由此产生了一大笔版税。

7、Visitors were nosing through racks of dog-eared best sellers, schmoozing near the circulation desk and peering into Banks of computers on long tables in the lobby.───访客们正在小心地穿过堆满缺角的畅销书的书架,在流通服务台前面闲谈,顺便瞥一眼大厅里面长桌上成行的计算机。

8、This female writer's weepers were once best sellers.───这位女作家的伤感言情小说曾经很畅销.

9、Best sellers must Be ordered in advance.───紧俏商品,预约订货.

10、The book is one of his best - sellers .───这本书是他的 畅销书 之一.

11、Sadly, lots of them are now $13, up from the flat $10 that Amazon used to charge for all best sellers.───可惜的是,其中许多书现在都要 13 美元了,本来亚马逊的畅销书定价是 10 美元平价。

12、They are enduring best sellers.───而是经久不衰的畅销书籍.

13、You must be aware that the articles under offer are our best sellers.───您肯定知道所报的商品都是我们的畅销货吧.

best sellers相似词语短语


2、short sellers───买空型投资者(shortseller的复数)

3、bee killers───蜜蜂天敌;食蜂虻




7、best seller───畅销书或唱片;畅销书作者




best–seller 有复数。


例句:A great book need not even be a best seller in its own day. It may take time for it to accumulate its ultimate audience.


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