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hard rock中文翻译,hard rock是什么意思,hard rock发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

hard rock中文翻译,hard rock是什么意思,hard rock发音、用法及例句

hard rock

hard rock发音

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hard rock中文意思翻译




hard rock双语使用场景

1、The experiment indicates that there exists difference between hard rock during their concretion and settlement.───实验表明,软硬不同的岩体在固结沉陷过程中存在明显差异.

2、These are useful in hard rock mining where high brisance, high shattering effects, are desired.───这种炸药,对需要高威力 、 高破碎效应的坚硬岩石矿, 是有用的.

3、Will Smith is donating that house to the Hard Rock Cafe.───威尔史密斯捐赠这所房子作为摇滚乐咖啡馆.

4、Under the crust are many layers of hard rock.───在地壳的下面是许许多多坚硬的岩石层.

5、Oh, all kinds but especially Hard Rock.───啊, 各种各样的我都喜欢,但特别喜欢硬摇滚.

6、Being ill for a week, he is much eager to play the hard rock.───病了一个礼拜后, 他更想演奏摇滚乐了.

7、Int he paper , classify clay area into hard rock dickite, altered kaolin and sandy kaolin.───将区内高岭土分为硬质地开石 、 蚀变高岭土和沙质高岭土.

8、Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the British hard rock scene.───弗雷迪·摩克瑞是英国硬摇滚乐界一颗耀眼的明星。

9、She made herself as comfortable as the hard rock permitted.───她在坚硬的岩石上尽可能坐得舒服些.

10、Politics was not the only subject debated in the hard rock of the sixties.───在六十年代疯狂摇滚乐的“辩论”中,政治并非是唯一的主题.

11、What can be done if the overburden is hard rock?───如果剥离物是硬岩,怎么办 呢 ?

12、He always enjoyed listening to progressive rock, hard rock, heavy metal , funk, blues and reggae.───他总是喜欢听前卫摇滚, 硬摇滚, 重金属, 放克, 蓝调,雷鬼音乐.

13、Their sound be described as loud, melodic, pop vocals set to hard rock music.───他们的嗓音非常响亮, 悦耳的旋律, 流行唱法形成了硬摇滚音乐.

14、He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.───他急匆匆前往硬石小馆去吃午餐。

15、In the 1970 s, groups played hard rock and punk music, instead.───而到了70年代, 乐队开始演奏重金属和朋克音乐.

16、Arjen Actually pretty much everything , except for classical and hard rock music. ""───很 多类型 的, 除了古典音乐和重金属音乐.

17、If they knew how difficult it was to drill through hard rock, they would lose heart.───如果他们知道要钻透岩石层有多么难, 他们一定会绝望的.

18、Their small potato patches are scratched with heroic industry in the hard rock.───那小块小块的马铃薯地是居民们以超人的勤劳从硬石头缝里刨出来的.

19、Freddie Mercury was a flamboyant star of the hard rock scene.───弗雷迪·默丘里曾是硬摇滚乐舞台上一颗耀眼的明星。

20、Before I had my operation, I was a waitress at the Hard Rock cafe possibly.───在我手术之前, 也许我在HotRock咖啡厅做过服务员.

21、Lately they have been getting into hard rock.───近来他们一直热衷于演奏硬派摇滚.

22、He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.───他急匆匆地到硬石餐馆去吃午饭。

23、Freight rate this economy lever, how prize double exceed this hard rock , times get people attention.───运价这个经济杠杆, 如何撬动双超这个顽石, 倍受人们关注.

24、CHICAGO Hard Rock Pins Leather Gay Pride BUFF Guy 2007!───芝加哥硬石销皮革同性恋骄傲无BUFF盖伊2007!

25、Most hard rock fans and groupies have hair.───大部分的硬摇滚歌迷和乐队歌迷都留长发.

26、The discussion was made on the technology used in gravel, boulder and hard rock formation.───探讨了在卵砾石 、 漂石等复杂地层以及坚硬基岩中进行旋挖钻进所用钻头的结构及其施工工艺.

hard rock相似词语短语

1、hard luck───厄运;倒霉(等于toughluck)

2、Dad rock───n.老爹摇滚


4、hard rocks───坚硬岩石(hardrock的名词复数)

5、hard neck───硬颈

6、hard road───石砾道

7、art rock───艺术摇滚乐

8、hard roe───鱼卵

9、hard race───艰苦的比赛


hardrock是好莱坞一众明星们建立的哦8品牌。本来是以餐饮餐厅hardrock cafe为主,然后就开设了衣服用品等等的商品。

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