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complex conjugate中文翻译,complex conjugate是什么意思,complex conjugate发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

complex conjugate中文翻译,complex conjugate是什么意思,complex conjugate发音、用法及例句

complex conjugate

complex conjugate发音

英:  美:

complex conjugate中文意思翻译



complex conjugate双语使用场景

1、Complex conjugate artifacts arise because, generally, OCT systems do not acquire the phase of the interferometric signal.───一般来说,由于OCT系统不采集干涉信号的相位,因而出现了复共轭效应;

2、Associated with the notion of the transposed matrix is its complex conjugate known to physicists as the adjoint matrix .───跟转置矩阵记号相联系的是它的复共轭矩阵,物理学家称之为伴矩阵。

3、The first term in the parenthesis is the DC term, and corresponds to the DC spectrum, and the second term in the parenthesis represents the location of the reflector and its complex conjugate.───括号中的首项为DC项,与DC光谱相对应;括号中的第二项表示反射器的位置及其复共轭。

4、amplitude transmittance of one of them is assumod to be the same function as the coherent impulse response of the system, and that of the other being complex conjugate of the former.───复数透光片,其中一个振幅透射率等于该系统的相干脉冲响应函数,另一则为其共轭复数。

5、A Correcting Method To Eliminate Unwished Pairing Complex-conjugate Poles───一种消除不满意共轭复数极点的校正方法

6、You get these plots by taking the wave function times its complex conjugate and operating on that.───你也可以得到这些,通过波函数乘以,其共轭进行如上操作。

complex conjugate相似词语短语

1、complex case───复杂情况

2、complex conjugates───复共轭

3、complex carbohydrate───[生化]复合糖;合成碳水化合物

4、complete contrast───完全对比

5、complex carbohydrates───[生化]复合糖;合成碳水化合物

6、complex calculation───复杂计算

7、to conjugate───共轭

8、completion date───竣工日期;[工经]完工日期

9、transposed conjugate───转置共轭



共轭复数,两个实部相等,虚部互为相反数的复数互为共轭复数。当虚部不为零时,共轭复数就是实部相等,虚部相反,如果虚部为零,其共轭复数就是自身(当虚部不等于0时也叫共轭虚数)。复数z的共轭复数记作z(上加一横),有时也可表示为Z*。同时, 复数z(上加一横)称为复数z的复共轭(complex conjugate)。

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