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green tea中文翻译,green tea是什么意思,green tea发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

green tea中文翻译,green tea是什么意思,green tea发音、用法及例句

1、green tea

green tea发音

英:[ˌɡriːn ˈtiː]  美:[ˌɡriːn ˈtiː]

英:  美:

green tea中文意思翻译


n.绿茶; 清茶

green tea双语使用场景

1、We have black tea, green tea and Wulong tea. Which kind would you like to order?───有红茶, 绿茶还有乌龙茶等等. 您要喝哪种?

2、More than the summer of jasmine tea, green tea, green tea Shaandan polydipsia winter.───夏天多茉莉花茶 、 绿茶 、 冬天多饮陕青茶.

3、Try some of our wonderful green tea.───来尝尝我们非常棒的绿茶.

4、Yes, you are. Here you are, your green tea.───你就是贵宾么. 喏, 这是你的绿茶.

5、Is it the way she can't wake up without her green tea?───还是她不喝绿茶就醒不来?

6、Did you know people are taking green tea extract as an aid to weight loss?───你知道吗,人们正在使用绿茶提取物来辅助减肥.

7、Let's brew up some green tea for the guests.───我们为客人沏绿茶吧.

8、Main ingredients: lavender, deep ocean mineral mud, green tea essence, rose, lily and etc.───主要成份: 薰衣草 、 深海矿物泥 、 绿茶精华 、 玫瑰 、 百合等.

9、Wuxi Mingxin Bioengineering Co. LTD maim products cover green tea extract ( tea polyphenols, catechin ).───无锡明欣生物工程有限公司主要产品为绿茶提取物 ( 茶多酚 、 儿茶素 ).

10、In addition to those compounds found in green tea, new ones appear in black tea.───在红茶中,除了绿茶中存在的那些化合物以外, 还有新出现的酚类化合物.

11、Many skincare products designed for oily skin incorporate green tea extract.───许多为油性皮肤设计的护肤品都含有绿茶的成分.

12、If you drink green tea every day, this will help you preserve your bone density.───如果您喝绿茶每天, 这将帮助您保存您的骨头密度.

13、I prefer green tea to black tea.───我喜欢绿茶而不喜欢红茶。

14、The best therapy is glass after glass of green tea.───解酒的最好办法是一杯又一杯地喝绿茶.

15、This recipe uses green tea powder for a green color.───这份食谱用到绿茶粉来给使月饼呈现出绿色.

16、Longjing is a famous Chinese green tea.───龙井是一种著名的中国绿茶.

17、Drinking green tea daily can lower the risk of stomach, esophageal and liver cancers.───每天饮用绿茶能够降低胃癌 、 食管癌和肝癌的患病率.

18、Would you like some green tea?───你想喝点绿茶 吗 ?

19、Quercetin a naturally occurring bioflavonoid found in high concentrations in red wine, onions and green tea.───槲黄素是天然生物类黄酮,红酒 、 洋葱和绿茶等含最丰富的槲黄素成分.

20、The antibacterial test proves that cotton fabric after dyed with green tea liquor has antibacterial property.───抗菌实验证明绿茶染液染色后的棉织物具有抗菌性.

21、A cup of green tea really refreshes your mouth.───喝杯绿茶能让你口齿清爽.

22、Do you stock green tea?───你们的库存有绿茶吗?

23、We'll have coke, black and green tea, juice and mineral water.───我们要买可乐 、 红茶、绿茶 、 果汁和矿泉水.

24、Main ingredient: Grapes, Ginseng, Green Tea, Witch Hazel, Algae, etc.───主要成分: 葡萄精华, 人参精华, 绿茶精华, 金缕梅精华, 海藻精华等.

25、We serve black tea, green tea and puer tea.───侍者:我们有红茶 、 绿茶和普洱茶.

26、Green tea leaves are heated in steam, rolled, and dried.───绿茶在蒸气中受热 、 翻动并且乾燥.

27、Please drink more green tea so as to remove internal heat and soothe your throat.───清热润喉,请君多喝绿茶.

28、Heaven above , Hangzhou below. Longjing green tea. silk. great food. long history.───上有天堂, 下有苏杭. 龙井茶. 丝绸. 美食. 渊源历史.

29、Do you want black tea or green tea?───你要红茶还是绿茶?

30、We serve Wu Long tea 、 black tea 、 green tea 、 jasmine tea and Chrysanthemum tea.───我们餐厅有乌龙茶、红茶、绿茶、茉莉花茶以及菊花茶.

31、Whether does green tea have fall the action of blood pressure?───绿茶是否有降血压的作用?

green tea相似词语短语

1、green teas───绿茶

2、green sea───绿浪

3、green fee───果岭费;场地费

4、green tax───环保税

5、green seas───连续海浪

6、green bean───青豆,嫩菜豆

7、green peas───青豆;豌豆;荷兰豆

8、green pea───嫩豌豆;青豌豆

9、green leaf───绿叶

2、green tea用大写



Drinking green tea all the time may get a little boring, but it's helping me stay healthy.


In green tea there is something called antioxidant catechins and studies have shown that they help to burn fat.


PQQ is found in fermented soybeans and also in parsley, green tea, green peppers and kiwi fruit.


While the results were not conclusive, the health benefits still appear to be strong for green tea drinkers.




2.专有名词 的每一个单词的首字母 都要大写,比如English;Backstreet Boys;

3.标题的大小写规则 是每一个单词的 首字母 都要大写,除了例如 and,or,of 这些介词之外;例如 A Beatiful Day by Sea



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