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up to什么意思(Up to中文翻译,Up to是什么意思,Up to发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

up to什么意思(Up to中文翻译,Up to是什么意思,Up to发音、用法及例句)

1、Up to

Up to发音

英:  美:

Up to中文意思翻译


多达; 直到; 在于…; 能胜任


Up to双语使用场景

1、Prices will fall as soon as production catches up to demand.───一旦生产赶上了需求,物价就会下跌.

2、It is impossible to count up to infinity.───不可能数到无穷大.

3、It is time I woke up to myself. I've wasted too much time fooling around, and I almost ruined my career.───我该清醒认识自己了. 我无所事事浪费了太多的时间, 差点毁了我的事业.

4、The current from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes.───这些并联的发电机所产生的电流累计在一起,总电流达到500安培.

5、He faced up to his troubles manfully.───他勇敢地面对困难.

6、In the months leading up to the great ceremony, many people took part in the preparations.───临近盛典的几个月里, 许多人参加了准备工作.

7、Up to the 20 th of May about 500 people have visited the art exhibition.───截至5月20日有近500人看了画展.

8、He has lived up to the hopes of his father.───他的所作所为没有辜负父亲的期望.

9、I usually go up to London on the sleeper.───我一般都乘卧车去伦敦.

10、He was rigged up to a machine so that the nurses could check his heartbeat.───他身上连接了机器让护士检查心跳.

11、The water comes up to my waist.───水深齐腰.

12、This kind of machine is quite up to the minute.───这种机器是最新式的.

13、He will go up to the Arctic Region.───他将到北极地区去.

14、A passing boy called up to him.───有个过路的小孩向他喊了一声.

15、She snuggled close up to him.───她紧紧地依偎着他。

16、The imitation hardly matches up to the original.───这个仿制品简直不能同原件相比.

17、There's something odd about the way that fellow is behaving . I am sure he's up to no good.───那个人形迹可疑,肯定要做坏事.

18、Our reporters will keep you up to the minute with the latest developments in Florida.───我们的记者会随时为您报道佛罗里达州的最新消息.

19、The hunter crept up to the deer.───猎人蹑手蹑脚地走近那头鹿。

20、She woke up to the problems of growing old.───她意识到了年老所面临的种种问题.

21、We both looked up to determine the source of the water.───我们俩都向上看,以便确定水从何处流下来.

22、The singers bunched up to make room for one more.───这些歌手挤在一起,腾出了一个人的空间.

23、Replacement is guaranteed if the products are not up to the standard.───产品不合规格,保证退换.

24、Your patient answer just adds up to refusal.───你的耐心的回答等于拒绝.

25、The money adds up to $ 100.───这笔钱总计达100美元.

26、The horseman came up to Robin Hood, brandishing his sword.───那个骑士挥舞着剑,来到罗宾汉面前.

27、Five and eleven add up to sixteen.───5加11是16。

28、What's he up to?───他做什么 呢 ?

29、We're mortgaged up to the hilt.───我们已经把什么都抵押了。

30、Examination confirmed that the quality of the products was up to specification.───经检查,产品质量[品质]合格.

31、Davalillo goes up to pinch-hit.───达凡里路上场代打。

32、Why do you leave all the hard work up to your mother?───你为什么把所有难做的事都留给你母亲?

Up to相似词语短语

1、due to───prep.由于;应归于

2、go to───v.转到;定位

3、hop to───跳到

4、up for───打算;在选举中被提名;在法庭受审;被关押

5、cop to───接受;承认

6、up top───向上

7、run to───跑向;达到;趋向;发展到

8、out to───试图

9、as to───至于,关于;就……而论

2、be up to与up to的区别?


be up to 胜任;该由…负责;轮到…;从事,忙于

be 系动词,up 副词,to 介词。这三个词一起是个词组。

So far, they appear to be up to the task.


But they said this would be up to those device makers.


There can be up to 7 servers in a cluster, and any node can be the primary node.


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