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account payable(accounts payable中文翻译,accounts payable是什么意思,accounts payable发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

account payable(accounts payable中文翻译,accounts payable是什么意思,accounts payable发音、用法及例句)

accounts payable

accounts payable发音

英:[əˌkaʊnts ˈpeɪəbl]  美:[əˌkaʊnts ˈpeɪəbl]

英:  美:

accounts payable中文意思翻译



accounts payable双语使用场景

1、Are checks mailed out without allowing them to return to the employee who drew the checks or to the accounts payable bookkeeper?───对于寄出的发票,是否不允许退回签发人员或应付款记帐人员?

2、Accounts Payable Money the company owes to its' suppliers.───应付账款指公司欠其供给商的钱。

3、When you pay the credit card bill, you would record a decrease in the cash asset account on the balance sheet and a decrease in the "accounts payable" account on the balance sheet.───当你支付信用卡账单,你将在资产负债表上现金资产帐户记录一笔减少,同时在“应付账款”账户上减少同样大小的数额。

4、The difference is that accounts payable are for bills the company receives from other businesses. And accrued expenses are accounting entries a company makes in anticipation of being billed.───差别在于,应付账款是公司从其他企业处收取的账单,而应计费用则是公司预计即将收取账单而建立的会计分录。

5、Cheques collection log must be managed by an employee independent of accounts payable function and paid invoices cancelled.───每周准备支票认可管理。支票登记簿必须由独立于应付帐款职能的员工保管。已付款的发票要注销。

6、The main current liabilities are accounts payable and accrued expenses.───主要的流动负债是应付账款和应计费用。

7、This amount is included in the assessment of the company will remain " accounts payable . "───但评估公司仍将这笔款项列入“应付账款”。

8、Long term liabilities shall be itemized and shown as long-term loans, bonds payable, long-term accounts payable in financial statements.───长期负债应当按长期借款、应付债券、长期应付款项在会计报表中分项列示。

9、It allows you to set up your own workflow that fits with your accounts payable procedures.───这样可让您设定自己的专属工作流程,以便配合您的户口的付款程序。

accounts payable相似词语短语



3、account balance───账户结余;结平的帐户

4、accounts receivable───应收账款

5、account payable───[会计]应付账款

6、account balances───账户结余;结平的帐户

7、amount payable───应付金额

8、account day───交割日;[会计]结帐日

9、account days───结算日

Please take a moment to check on the status of our invoices to your Accounts Payable desk?


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