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cape verde中文翻译,cape verde是什么意思,cape verde发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

cape verde中文翻译,cape verde是什么意思,cape verde发音、用法及例句

cape verde

cape verde发音

英:  美:

cape verde中文意思翻译




[地名] [阿非利加洲] 佛得角; [地名] [塞内加尔] 佛得角

cape verde双语使用场景

1、Multiple hurricanes formed around Cape Verde, off the west coast of Africa.───很多飓风形成于位于非洲西海岸的佛得角附近。

2、The Arctic Sea was located in the Atlantic, 300 miles off the Cape Verde islands.───北极海位于大西洋, 离佛得角群岛300英里.

3、Russian Navy intercepted the Arctic Sea 300 miles off Cape Verde, a group of islands west of Senegal, three weeks after it vanished and sparked international intrigue.───俄罗斯海军在距佛得角300英里,塞内加尔以西的一处岛群拦截了这艘货船。三周前该船失踪并引发了国际骚动。

4、The picture shows Chinese automobiles entering the market of Cape Verde.───图为中国汽车进入佛得角市场.

5、The French Navy said Saturday the ship was probably near Cape Verde.───周六,法国海军说船只可能在佛得角附近.

6、Eleven days later we came near the Cape Verde Islands.───11天后我们接近佛得角群岛.

7、The picture shows the Poylao Dam of Cape Verde aided by China.───图为中国援建的佛得角泡衣涝水坝.

8、Russian personnel arrested Bartenev. They took him and the other "pirates" to a military airport on the Cape Verde islands.───俄罗斯人拘捕了巴尔捷涅夫,并把他和其他“海盗”送到佛得角群岛的一个军用机场。

cape verde相似词语短语

1、Cabo Verde───佛得角


3、cape work───斗篷工程

4、cape works───海角工程

5、Cape Verdean───佛得角人


7、Cape Verde───佛得角(国家名)


中国,china 美国,the united states 英国,england 日本,japan 德国,germany法国,france 意大利,italy 比利时,belgium新西兰,new zealand 澳大利亚,australia 俄罗斯russia

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