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just now中文翻译,just now是什么意思,just now发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

just now中文翻译,just now是什么意思,just now发音、用法及例句

1、just now

just now发音

英:[dʒʌst naʊ]  美:[dʒʌst nau]

英:  美:

just now中文意思翻译



刚才; 刚刚; 现在; 立刻

just now双语使用场景

1、Please wait a minute, he is engaged just now.───请稍等一会儿, 他正有事呢.

2、I don't have that much money on me just now.───现在我身边没那么多钱.

3、I spoke just now of being in love.───我刚才说到恋爱了。

4、You looked pretty upset just now.───你刚才看上去挺难过的。

5、I quite agree with everything he said just now.───他将才讲的我都同意.

6、So it was Xiao Wang's elder sister who called just now.───刚才打电话的敢情是小王的姐姐呀!

7、There are a lot of colds going about just now.───目前感冒传染得很厉害.

8、It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.───刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。

9、Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper.───兰德尔这个时候应该正在拿周日的报纸。

10、Who whistled just now?───刚才谁吹口哨了?

11、Please excuse me for having offended you just now.───刚才冒犯了你,请原谅.

12、I shall not go to the hospital just now.───我不可能立刻去医院.

13、You looked pretty upset just now.───你刚才看上去很沮丧。

14、"He rang me just now," she interposed.───“他刚刚给我打过电话,”她插嘴说。

15、I spoke just now of being in love.───我刚才说起坠入爱河的事。

16、Who were you talking to just now?───你刚才在跟谁说话?

17、Just now I thought I saw someone.───我想我刚才看到了什么人。

18、He had a drink in the bar just now.───他刚才在酒吧间喝了一杯.

just now相似词语短语

1、just so───正是如此

2、just about───几乎,差不多

3、dust downs───除去…的灰尘

4、dust down───除去…的灰尘

5、dust shot───粉尘喷丸

6、dust bowls───风沙侵蚀区

7、Dust Bowl───风沙侵蚀区

8、just on───将近,差不多

9、lust for───贪求

2、just now放在什么时态的句子中


just now

1、读音:英 [dʒʌst naʊ]美 [dʒʌst naʊ]  



近义词:a moment ago

1、读音:英 [ə ˈməʊmənt əˈɡəʊ]美 [ə ˈmoʊmənt əˈɡoʊ] 



4、用法例句:She was here just a moment ago. 


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