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appear in(appears in中文翻译,appears in是什么意思,appears in发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

appear in(appears in中文翻译,appears in是什么意思,appears in发音、用法及例句)

appears in

appears in发音

英:  美:

appears in中文意思翻译



appears in双语使用场景

1、It brings up a timeline illustration letting you know how often the name appears in the book viewable by page, chapter and the full text.───同时按时序告诉你这个名字在所在页、各章节及整本书中出现频率。

2、This concept appears in manufacturing where they count both scrap and inventory.───这一概念出现在制造业中,在其中计算废料和库存。

3、This kind of question often appears in the exam.───这类问题在考试中经常出现。

4、One limitation of this method is all linked content appears in the resulting process as "read-only" and cannot be modified directly.───这种方法的一个局限在于所有被关联的内容都在得出的结果过程中以“只读”的形式出现,它们不能够被直接修改。

5、This breadcrumb is always visible, and appears in the top-left corner of the page, above the name of your site.───全局痕迹导航始终可见并显示在网页的左上角,位于网站名称的上方。

6、Print becomes a form of the digital, just as the digital has a special place when it appears in print.───印刷成为了数字的一种形式,因为当数字出现在印刷中时就有了特殊的地位。

7、Cover pages are always inserted at the beginning of a document, no matter where the cursor appears in the document.───不管光标显示在文档中的什么位置,总是在文档的开始处插入封面。

8、The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, appears in court in London for a hearing on his extradition to Sweden.───维基解密创始人阿桑奇在伦敦出庭,就其是否将被引渡回瑞典审判进行听证。

9、A symbol appears in the left upper quadrant of the screen.───一个符号出现在屏幕中扇形的左上方。

appears in相似词语短语





5、swears in───使宣誓就职

6、happens in───发生在

7、happened in───发生在(时间,地点等)



42. It is a (n) _____that in some odd way world peace appears to depend on our spending millions?

It is a pity (?) that in some odd way world peace appears to depend on our spending millions of pounds on weapons that can kill us all 大致可以翻译为: 说来也怪,世界和平貌似取决于我们的下述行为,花费上千万英镑研发、购买能毁灭人类的武器,这真(遗憾)

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