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coordination number中文翻译,coordination number是什么意思,coordination number发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

coordination number中文翻译,coordination number是什么意思,coordination number发音、用法及例句

coordination number

coordination number发音

英:  美:

coordination number中文意思翻译



coordination number双语使用场景

1、Coordination number is lower, bigger pore throat ratio , and weaker filtration ability.───储层孔喉配位数较低, 孔喉比较大,储层渗流能力较弱.

2、The number of ions needed for screening the electrical field is known as the coordination number.───屏蔽电场所需要的离子数称为配位数.

3、Results show that the volume fraction influences the distributions of coordination number of single contact type and individual components.───结果表明,单一接触类型的配位数及分量配位数分布与体积组成有关。

4、Coordination number is lower, bigger pore throat ratio, and weaker filtration ability.───孔喉配位数较低,孔喉比较大,储层渗流能力较弱。

5、is difficult to judge coordination number in complex, so we provide some rules and approaches in the paper for teachers and students to consult and study.───配合物教学中,配位数的确定是一大难点,本文总结了确定配位数的一些规律和方法,以便于广大师生参考和学习。

6、The number of ligands attached to the central ion is called the coordination number.───同中心离子连接的配位体,数目称为配位数.

7、Structural properties , such as packing density, coordination number and the distribution of coordination.───追踪了颗粒的堆积运动轨迹,并分析了堆积密实度和配位数及其分布规律.

8、The properties of glasses as a function of the average coordination number were discussed.───讨论了玻璃的这些性能随系统平均配位数的变化关系.

coordination number相似词语短语

1、coordination compound───[物化]配位化合物

2、hydration number───水合数

3、oxidation number───[化学]氧化值

4、cardinal number───基数

5、ordinal number───[数]序数;序列号

6、coordination numbers───[物]配位数

7、oxidation numbers───[化学]氧化值

8、coordination complex───配位化合物

9、production number───全体演员都参加演出的特别节目


配位数(coordination number)是中心离子的重要特征。直接同中心离子(或原子)配位的原子数目叫中心离子(或原子)的配位数。


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