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in effect中文翻译,in effect是什么意思,in effect发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

in effect中文翻译,in effect是什么意思,in effect发音、用法及例句

1、in effect

in effect发音

英:  美:

in effect中文意思翻译


有效; 实际上,事实上


in effect双语使用场景

1、The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police.───家庭便成了思想警察的延伸.

2、Initially the contract will be in effect for 3 years.───最初契约的有效期为三年.

3、That deal would create, in effect, the world's biggest airline.───这一协议将促成世界最大航空公司的成立。

4、The rule is still in effect.───本规则仍然有效.

5、In effect, the Florida East Coast decision created a strong presumption in favor of informal rulemaking.───实际上, "佛罗里达东海岸"案的裁决造成了坚决赞成非正式规则制定的推论.

6、The new Middle groups in effect proclaimed their tyranny beforehand.───现在这种新的一派中等人等于是事先就宣布要建立他们的暴政.

7、In effect, these courts have required an additional procedure on the part of agencies.───实际上, 这些法院已经要求机构实行附加诉讼程序.

8、The two words are in effect identical in meaning.───这两个词实际上是同义的.

9、In effect she told her fellow workers to shape up.───她实际上是要同厂的工友们都振作起来.

10、Despite the use of the word " temporary ", a temporary withdrawal remained in effect until expressly revoked.───尽管使用了 “ 暂时 ” 一词, 但是这种暂时的命令在明确地撤销之前一直有效.

11、That deal would create, in effect, the world's biggest airline.───那笔交易实际上将造就世界最大的航空公司。

12、Some ancient laws are still in effect.───有些古时的法律现在仍然有效.

13、In effect, they were buying out my contract.───实际上, 他们是把我的合同买过来罢了.

14、His wife had, in effect, run the government for the past six months.───过去的六个月实际上是他的妻子在执政。

15、In effect, the two systems are identical.───实际上,这两种系统完全一样。

16、The non - Euclidena geometries were in effect subordinated to Euclidean geometry.───非 欧几里德几何实际上是从属于欧几里德几何的.

17、In effect, growth is contingent on improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population.───事实上,发展有赖于大量低收入人群收入的增长。

18、The Corleone Family, in effect, had now only two fighting divisions with less personnel than formerly.───目前,考利昂家族实际上仅仅只是两个作战师,而入员比原来要少得多.

in effect相似词语短语

1、skin effect───集肤效应

2、ill effects───不良作用,副作用

3、to effect───影响

4、for effect───为了给人良好的印象;为了得到效果

5、Gunn effect───甘恩效应

6、main effect───[分化]主效应

7、pinch effect───收聚效应;收缩效应

8、skin effects───集肤效应

9、side effect───副作用

2、in fact和in effect的区别?

“in fact”和“in effect”在语义和用法上存在一些区别。

语义区别:in effect通常指某种情况或结果实际上是如此,在语义上带有一种因果关系。而in fact则表示某个事实确实存在或某种情况确实如此,强调陈述的是一个事实。


Although they are not officially married, they are in effect living as a married couple.(他们虽然没有正式结婚,但实际上已经过着夫妻的生活。)

I always thought he was a good person, and in fact he is.(我一直认为他是个好人,事实上他确实是。)

用法区别:在句子中的位置不同。一般来说,“in effect”通常用于句中,而“in fact”通常用于句首。


Although everyone thought he would not succeed, he has actually achieved great success.(虽然大家都认为他不会成功,但实际上他已经取得了很大的成就。)

总之,“in fact”和“in effect”在英语中都是常用的表达方式,它们在语义和用法上有所不同。

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