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environmentally-friendly(environmentally friendly中文翻译,environmentally friendly是什么意思,environmentally

04-04 投稿

environmentally-friendly(environmentally friendly中文翻译,environmentally friendly是什么意思,environmentally friendly发音、用法及例句)

environmentally friendly

environmentally friendly发音

英:  美:

environmentally friendly中文意思翻译



environmentally friendly双语使用场景

1、arrival of driverless vehicles is a chance to make sure that those vehicles are environmentally friendly and shared.───无人驾驶汽车的到来可以确保这些汽车既环保又共享。

2、Voice 4 : Cycling is the most environmentally friendly means of transportation.───声音 4: 骑车是最环保的一种交通方式.

3、Pavement fast: no cement, sand, using environmentally - friendly plastic can be a shop.───铺装快捷: 无需水泥 、 沙子, 用环保胶一铺即可.

4、Green building also refer to environmentally friendly houses, factories, and offices.───绿色建筑也可以是环保的房屋 、 厂房 、 办公室.

5、More than just fun, future kitchens will be environmentally friendly.───除了有趣以外, 将来的厨房将更环保.

6、It supplies environmentally friendly products or services that replace the demand for nongreen products.───它提供对环境友好的产品或服务,以取代对非绿色产品的需求。

7、Being environmentally - friendly can also wind up saving you money.───而反过来,环保也能为我们省钱.

8、This artificial stone is chemically one hundred percent environmentally friendly.───这种人造石是化学百分之百环保.

9、It also has improved range, payload and environmentally friendly designs.───同时该设计还具有增加续航距离, 有效载荷和环保等优点.

10、The main focus is on innovative product applications and environmentally friendly processes.───主要的重点是创新的产品应用和环境友好过程.

11、Not only can riding bicycles help build up our body, but it is also very environmentally friendly.───骑自行车不仅可以帮助我们强身健体,而且它非常环保。

12、Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but it's environmentally friendly into the bargain.───木地板不光容易打扫,而且还环保。

13、More and more companies have gone "green" and started producing so-called environmentally-friendly products.───越来越多的公司变得“环保”起来,开始生产所谓的环境友好型产品。

14、Capabilities using rare earth compounds as environmentally friendly gasoline antiknocks were explored.───探讨了稀土化合物用作环保汽油抗爆剂的可能性.

15、Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper.───我们的小册子是用环保纸张印刷的。

16、Electric cars were always environmentally friendly, quiet, clean, but definitely not sexy.───电动车对环境无害 、 无噪音 、 无污染, 但就是不太好看.

17、But it all depends what you mean by " environmentally friendly "───但是否如此完全取决于如何定义 “ 有益于环境 ”

18、In view of health, he adopted the environmentally friendly wall lacquer.───出于健康的考虑, 他采用了环保的墙面漆.

environmentally friendly相似词语短语

1、environmentally friendliest───最环保

2、environmental risk───环境危险;环境风险

3、environmentally unfriendly───环境不友好

4、environmental science───环境科学,环境学;环境工程

5、environmentally friendlier───环境友好性

6、environmental influence───[环境]环境影响

7、environmental charity───环境慈善

8、environmental sciences───环境科学



to protect the environment

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