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digital native中文翻译,digital native是什么意思,digital native发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

digital native中文翻译,digital native是什么意思,digital native发音、用法及例句

digital native

digital native发音

英:[ˌdɪdʒɪtl ˈneɪtɪv]  美:[ˌdɪdʒɪtl ˈneɪtɪv]

英:  美:

digital native中文意思翻译





digital native双语使用场景

1、As one of the oldest of my Digital Native generation, I can probably be called an 'early adopter' as regards technological innovations.───作为我们数字一代的元老人物,我或许可以被称作技术发明的“早期养父”。

2、Is indifferent to the young "digital native" generation, who use blogs and other web tools as naturally as you use a telephone.───对于年轻的“数码土著”一代极其冷漠,而这一代人使用博客和其他网络工具就像你用电话一样自然

3、Janet Chen firmly believes that the digital native generation - those born in and after the 90s like Hu Xiaofei - will continue to fuel the popularity of Internet celebrities in the long run.───陈誉瑾坚信数字原住民一代(像胡小菲这种90后出生的一代)将会继续促进网红行业的繁荣。

4、The digital native doesn't send a letter to the editor any more.───数字化的国民不再写信给编辑。

5、There are still way fewer digital native artists thriving without publishers than those with some deals in New York.───相比纽约那些和出版商签约的作家,这些不那么完全靠网络出家的独立艺术家也有办法走红。

digital native相似词语短语

1、digital watches───数字显示式电子表

2、digital future───数字未来

3、digital divide───数字鸿沟

4、digital natives───数字原住民

5、digital device───[计]数字装置;数字器件

6、digital data───数据;[计]数字数据;数字资料

7、digital age───数字时代;数字化时代



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