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play chess(playing chess中文翻译,playing chess是什么意思,playing chess发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

play chess(playing chess中文翻译,playing chess是什么意思,playing chess发音、用法及例句)

playing chess

playing chess发音

英:[pleɪ tʃes]  美:[pleɪ tʃes]

英:  美:

playing chess中文意思翻译



playing chess双语使用场景

1、A director general in the police bureau is playing chess with an old man.───一位公安局长在茶馆里与一位老头下棋。

2、open and scraped the Bone with scalpel. Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess.───华佗切开肉皮,用刀刮骨。在场的人吓得用手捂着眼。再看关羽,一边喝酒,一边下棋。

3、We can always see cross-age friends, for instance, an elderly and a youth playing chess around the corner of a street.───我们总会发现忘年交,比如,一个老人和一个年青人在街角一起下象棋。

4、He has a fancy for playing chess.───他喜好下棋。

5、Meanwhile, the mode of playing chess with computers makes it possible for you to enjoy the fun of playing chess by yourself.───同时电脑对弈模式,让您一个人也可以尽情享受下棋的乐趣。

6、Her husband is very fond of playing chess, holidays will shout of on a few friends, but the next few home had never delay.───老公很喜欢下棋,放假的时候就会喊上几个认识的朋友回家下几盘,但是从来没耽误过工作。

7、He told me that any of his classmates wouldn't definitely waste time in playing chess with his father.───他说,要是换了他的任何同学,是绝对不会浪费时间陪老爸下棋的。

8、He was playing chess with his uncle.───他在和伯父下国际象棋。

9、An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.───近年来计算机取得重大进展的一个领域是国际象棋。

playing chess相似词语短语

1、belaying cleat───系索耳;导缆钳

2、playing field───运动场;球场

3、playing card───纸牌;扑克牌

4、playing games───玩游戏

5、playing fields───运动场;球场

6、playing cards───打牌;扑克牌;玩扑克牌;纸牌类

7、playing career───职业生涯

8、belaying cleats───确保夹板

9、play chess───下棋


I enjoy playing chess,

I like playing chess games,

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