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孔子学院英语(confucius institutes中文翻译,confucius institutes是什么意思,confucius institutes发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

孔子学院英语(confucius institutes中文翻译,confucius institutes是什么意思,confucius institutes发音、用法及例句)

1、confucius institutes

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confucius institutes中文意思翻译



confucius institutes双语使用场景

1、All representatives related their experiences in managing Confucius institutes and brainstormed ideas about future development.───各位代表在论坛上分享了各自的办学经验,又集思广益为孔子学院的未来发展出谋划策。

2、I am glad to note that this conference takes as its theme "the sustainable development of European Confucius Institutes" .───我很高兴地看到,本次会议主题确定为欧洲孔子学院的可持续发展。

3、I don't see anything sinister about (Confucius Institutes).───我个人(对于孔子学院)没看到任何险恶的东西。

4、It called them Confucius Institutes. The aim, apparently, was to boost their appeal by disguising any links with communism.───他们被称为孔子学院,其目的显然是掩饰其与共产主义的任何干系来提供其感召力。

5、First of all, establish new Confucius Institutes in a proactive and orderly manner and vigorously develop Confucius Classrooms.───一是积极有序地新设孔子学院,大力发展各国中小学孔子课堂。

6、The theme of this conference has provided us a research topic that has a bearing on the long-term development of Confucius Institutes.───此次大会主题,给我们提供了一个事关孔子学院长远发展的研究课题。

7、Li Changchun, a party boss, described the Confucius Institutes as "an important part of China's overseas propaganda set-up" .───**高级官员李长春描述孔子学院是中国海外宣传机构的“重要组成部分”。

8、China has opened four Confucius Institutes in Poland.───中国已在波兰设立4所孔子学院。

9、Naturally I cannot expect all of them to understand mandarin. We still need many more Confucius Institutes to spread mandarin wider in the UK.───而我现在还无法要求你们所有的人听懂中文,因为在英国的孔子学院起步时间不长,数量也不够多。

confucius institutes相似词语短语

1、to institute───成立

2、technical institute───工业学院,技术学院;技术研究所;初级技术学院

3、collegiate institutes───(加拿大某些地区的)公立初高中

4、peculiar institutions───n.旧时美国南部的黑奴制度

5、Women's Institute───n.妇女协会,妇女社

6、Pasteur Institute───巴斯德研究院

7、collegiate institute───(加拿大某些地区的)公立初高中


9、technical institutes───工业学院,技术学院;技术研究所;初级技术学院

2、翻译作业:“汉语热”(Mandarin fever) 已成为全球语言交际系统中的一种普遍现象。据统

"Fever" (Mandarin) has become a common phenomenon in the global language communication system..According to statistics, the world's 94 countries and regions have opened more than 300 Kong Zi Institute (Institute Confucius) and more than 300 Kong Zi classroom, the number of people learning Chinese worldwide has more than 40000000 people. In fact, the Chinese hot current overseas is lifted, the hand is due to the rapid development of China's economy the promotion of national self-confidence, on the other hand is under the situation of globalization cross culture communication needs increasing caused by the effect.

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