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quotation marks中文翻译,quotation marks是什么意思,quotation marks发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

quotation marks中文翻译,quotation marks是什么意思,quotation marks发音、用法及例句

1、quotation marks

quotation marks发音

英:  美:

quotation marks中文意思翻译


n.引号; 引号( quotation mark的名词复数 )

quotation marks双语使用场景

1、Any sentence sentences taken directly from a source should appear insight cotection maskinside quotation marks.───每句直接引用其他地方的句子都应该在引号内现实出处.

2、But I still use the word "event" anyway, use it carefully with quotation marks.───但是无论如何我还是使用“事件”这个词,小心谨慎地带引号使用它。

3、This thesis is intended for the study of fictional dialogue in the narrow sense, mainly in the form of direct speech within quotation marks.───本文的研究对象是狭义的“小说对话”,主要表现形式是小说中的直接引语。

4、A caret functions the same whether it is inside or outside quotation marks.───插入符号在引号内或引号外的作用相同.

5、This sentence should be put in quotation marks.───这个句子应放在引号内.

6、A string of characters enclosed in separators such as quotation marks or brackets.───用分隔符括起来的字符串.常用的分隔符为引号或括号.

7、If it contain other characters, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks.───如果还包含其它的字符, 那么这段字符必须用双引号引起来.

8、Do not use quotation marks , except for single quotation marks round quotations within quotations.───除了引用之中再引用的单引号外,不用引号.

9、The phrases should be paraphrased or used in indirect constructions, with the quotation marks simply eliminated.───片语应该在间接的建筑中被改写或用, 藉由引号只是除去.

10、Identify phrases with quotation marks.───识别短语加上引号.

11、Double quotation marks can surround a filename but cannot be contained within it.───双引号可括起文件名但不能包含在文件名中.

12、Material copied exactly is supposed to appear within quotation marks.───照抄的材料应该是以引言的方式出现.

13、Quotations within short quotations take double quotation marks.───引用之中再引用使用双引号.

14、Its required value is the URL of the movie file, enclosed in quotation marks.───它需要的值是**文件的URL, 一定要用引号括起来.

15、Never have a pair of quotation marks loomed so ominously.───从来没有一对引号能让人有如此不祥的预感.

16、Single quotation marks are usually reserved for setting off a quotation within another quotation.───单引号通常用来凸现一个在另一个引号里面的引号.

17、With XML, it is illegal to omit quotation marks around attribute values.───XML中, 省略属性值外面的引号是不正确的.

18、Titles of full texts should be underlined or italicized. Articles or short stories require quotation marks.───完整的正文标题应当标识下划线或者斜体.文章和短篇故事要求有书名号.

19、Direct quotations present a source's exact words and consequently are placed entirely in quotation marks.───直接的报价呈现来源的精确字并且结果被完全地放置在引号中.

20、Any sentences taking taken directly from a source should appear inside quotation marks.───任何的直接引用的句子都要用放在双引号里.

21、In the job definition, use two single quotation marks around strings.───在任务定义中, 用2个单引号包围字符串.

22、If you borrow another person's phrasing, that material must be enclosed in quotation marks.───如果你借用他人的言论, 这段材料必须加上引号.

23、This is a code that makes much use of angle brackets, quotation marks and forward slashes.───这种代码使用许多尖括号 、 引号和前斜线来编写.

24、Any sentence is sentences taken directly from a source should appear inside could t quotation marks.───任何直接取自其他材料的句子都应出现在引号内.

25、Any sentences taken directly from a source should apear appear inside quotation marks and.───任何从别处直接拿来的句子应当在引号内出现.

26、If it contains other characters, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks.───如果还包含其他的字符, 那麽这段字符必须用双引号引起来.

27、Make sure you have quotation marks at both the beginning and the end of quotes.───务必在引文的开始和结尾处加上引号。

28、Any sentences taken directly from a source should appear inside citation quotation marks.───任何直接从资源摘抄的句子应该在引用标记中出现.

quotation marks相似词语短语

1、flotation tanks───浮选槽;[环境]浮选池

2、quotation mark───引号

3、punctuation marks───[语]标点符号

4、punctuation mark───n.标点符号

5、question mark───问号;不确定性

6、question marks───问题类,[语][计]问号;问号业务

7、flotation bags───漂浮袋

8、flotation tank───浮选槽;[环境]浮选池

9、insertion marks───[计]插入标记


不一样 英文的破折号是(-) 中文的是(--) 详细的英语标点符号: 句点(Full Stop / Period,“.”) 问号(Question Mark,“?”) 感叹号(Exclamation Mark,“!”) 逗点(Comma,“,”) 冒号(Colon,“:”) 分号(Semicolon,“;”) 连字符(Hyphen,“-”) 连接号(En Dash,“–”) 破折号(Em Dash,“—”) 括号(Parentheses,小括号“( )”;中括号“[]”;大括号“{}”) 引号(Quotation Marks,双引号“\"”;单引号“‘”) 缩写及所有格符号(Apostrophe,“‘”) 有问题qq:409537165

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