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magnesium oxide中文翻译,magnesium oxide是什么意思,magnesium oxide发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

magnesium oxide中文翻译,magnesium oxide是什么意思,magnesium oxide发音、用法及例句

magnesium oxide

magnesium oxide发音

英:  美:

magnesium oxide中文意思翻译


[化] 氧化镁; [医] 氧化镁; 苦土


magnesium oxide双语使用场景

1、Limestone often contains small amount of magnesium oxide that is harmful to soundness of cement.───石灰石中经常含有少量的氧化镁,这对水泥的安定性有害.

2、Namiyanghuaxin, nano magnesium oxide, nano ceramic material production.───纳米氧化锌 、 纳米氧化镁 、 纳米陶瓷材料生产.

3、magnesium oxide has a melting point of 2,800 degrees C.───氧化镁,熔点在2800摄氏度。

4、Namiyanghuaxin, nano magnesium oxide, nano ceramic material production.───纳米氧化锌、米氧化镁、米陶瓷材料生产。

5、Magnesium oxide works.───氧化镁。

6、Magnesite composite materials stove body and is a magnesium oxide - based glass - fiber reinforced composite materials.───菱镁复合材料灶体这是一种以氧化镁为主的玻璃纤维增强复合材料.

7、Sanjiaodai rubber production, sales zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, and other chemical raw materials.───生产橡胶三角带, 销售氧化锌, 氧化镁等化工原料.

8、This paper presents a new route to prepare magnesium oxide whiskers.───探讨了一种合成氧化镁晶须的新的工艺方法.

9、The development process of magnesium oxide certified reference material was introduced.───介绍氧化镁标准物质的研制过程.

10、This paper is concerned with preparation method of nano - sized magnesium oxide from ammonium carbonate and chloride.───研究了由碳酸铵和氯化镁制备纳米氧化镁的方法.

magnesium oxide相似词语短语

1、magnesium oxides───[无化]氧化镁

2、barium oxide───[无化]氧化钡

3、magnesium sulfate───[无化]硫酸镁

4、manganese oxide───[无化]氧化锰

5、calcium oxide───[无化]氧化钙,生石灰

6、deuterium oxide───[无化]氧化氘

7、magnesium silicate───[无化]硅酸镁

8、uranium oxide───二氧化铀;氧化铀

9、scandium oxide───[无化]氧化钪




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