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real man中文翻译,real man是什么意思,real man发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

real man中文翻译,real man是什么意思,real man发音、用法及例句

real man

real man发音

英:  美:

real man中文意思翻译



real man双语使用场景

1、Daniel: I'm the real man, I like football.───丹尼尔:我是真正的男子汉,我喜欢足球。

2、A real man doesn't have to draw attention to his actions.───真正的男人不需要如此靠行动争取他人注意.

3、Isn't it great to have a real man around, Eunice?───有个男子汉在身边是多棒的事情,不是么尤妮丝?

4、Blood and iron real man!───血与铁人是真的!

5、Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.───因为不经常与家人呆在一起的男人,永远也成不了真正的男人!

6、A real man didn't prance around and yap at the mouth and preen for the camera.───显然生活中的人不会在摄影机前跃马而起,厉声喝斥,刻意打扮.

7、CAL: A real man makes his own luck, Archie . Right . Dawson?───卡尔: 好男人的运气是靠自己创造的. 是不是, 唐森先生?

8、There was a real man!───这才是真正的男人。

9、You have to strip away the affected manners and speech to get at the real man underneath.───你得透过虚伪的体面和尊贵看清他的本来面目.

10、But in his book or his picture the real man delivers himself defenseless.───但是在他写的书、画的画里面,他却毫无防范地把自己显露出来.

11、Now, there is a real man. A real soldier.───现在,这才是真正的男子汉、真正的战士。

12、Far from being sissy, it takes a real man to accept that he is not perfect.───只有真正的男人才会接受自己并非完美无缺的事实,这绝不是什么女孩子气。

13、Vodka, you are the real MAN.───伏特加, 你是真的男人.

14、I'm already a - hundred - percent real man.───我已经是百分之一百的好汉.

15、All right , go out. Make you a real man.───出去吧, 做个有钢有火的男人.

16、The Garden of Eden was a real place, just as Adam was a real man.───伊甸园是真实存在的, 正如亚当确有其人一样.

17、And that is my definition of a real man.───这就是我对真正的男人的定义.

18、The boy regards himself as a real man.───这个男孩把自己看作男子汉.

real man相似词语短语

1、removal man───搬运工人

2、real line───n.实线

3、real money───现款;现金硬币

4、repair man───修理工

5、red man───n.美洲印第安人;n.(Redman)(美、英)雷德曼(人名)

6、early man───早起的人

7、real boon───真正的恩惠

8、detail man───推销员

9、repo man───重生男人

a real man可以表示为真男人嘛?

可以A REAL MAN是什么意思?以下就是A REAL MAN的含义解释和发音。

1真正的男人 2. 男子汉 3. 好汉 4. 大丈夫

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