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not at all中文翻译,not at all是什么意思,not at all发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

not at all中文翻译,not at all是什么意思,not at all发音、用法及例句

not at all

not at all发音

英:  美:

not at all中文意思翻译


别客气; 没什么,哪儿的话; 并不; 不谢


not at all双语使用场景

1、Not at all, was the reply, "only the boy was the wind which blew away the wheel-chair."───不,”对方回答,“这个男孩就是把轮椅吹走的那阵风。”

2、I am not an obsessive. Not at all.───我不是个强迫症患者,完全不是。

3、She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.───她一点也不为问题的严重性所吓倒.

4、He was not at all nervous, for he knew what to expect.───他心里有底, 一点不慌.

5、Tiny was not at all pleased; for she did not like the tiresome mole.───蒂尼一点也不感到高兴;因为她的确不喜欢这位讨厌的鼹鼠。

6、The crops are not at all bad.───庄稼长得真不赖.

7、His illness is not at all serious.───他的病很轻.

8、Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business.───据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。

9、The departure was not at all agreeable.───别离一点也不愉快。

10、"Thank you very much for speaking with us." — "Not at all."───“非常感谢您能和我们交谈。”——“不客气。”

11、"After you." — "Not at all, Mr Bird, after you."───“您先请。”——“别客气,伯德先生,您先请。”

12、He's not at all worried about his car's reliability.───对于自己那台车性能的稳定性他根本不担心。

13、It's not at all certain whether I'll come tomorrow.───我明天还不定来不来呢.

14、This tune is not at all pleasing to the ear.───这个曲子真难听.

15、"Sorry. I sound like Abby, don't I?" — "No. Not at all."───“抱歉,我讲起话来像阿比,是不是?”——“不,一点不像。”

16、Lean hard-training women athletes may men-struate less frequently or not at all.───身材瘦削而且训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁,或者根本不来月经。

17、Such attitudes were not at all uncommon thirty years ago.───这些看法在30年前很常见.

18、The pilots respectfully represented that they were not at all tired.───飞行员郑重表示他们一点也不累.

not at all相似词语短语

1、not half───一点也不;很小程度

2、not a bit───一点也不;丝毫不

3、end it all───结束这一切

4、not a few───不少,相当多

5、most of all───最重要的是;首先

6、at all───(否定句)根本;究竟

7、hit a wall───撞到墙;碰壁

8、boots and all───靴子之类的

9、not really───不完全是;不见得

not...at all的意思是什么

not ...at all 一点也不eg:We don't speak English at all after class. 在课下我们根本不讲英语。

意思等于not...in the slightest , be far from, nowhere near

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