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nautical miles中文翻译,nautical miles是什么意思,nautical miles发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

nautical miles中文翻译,nautical miles是什么意思,nautical miles发音、用法及例句

nautical miles

nautical miles发音

英:  美:

nautical miles中文意思翻译

n.海里(合1。852公里)( nautical mile的名词复数 )


nautical miles双语使用场景

1、The fishing grounds that have been developed in China's sea areas cover 818,000 square nautical miles.───中国海域已经开发的渔场面积81.8万平方海里.

2、Dr Kroo points out that the aircraft could be separated by several nautical miles, and would not be in the unnervingly cosy groupings favoured by display teams like the red Arrows.───教授指出飞机间会相隔几海里,不会像红箭表演队(英国皇家空军特技表演队)那样间距小到令人窒息。

3、It was reported this morning to be about 50 nautical miles away from the fleet.───据今天早上的消息称,“奥迪吉尔”号距离捕鲸船只有50海里.

4、Territorial seas - adjacent waters spanninga maximum of 12 nautical miles from their coastlines, including the coastlineof offshore islands.───领海水域——距其海岸线12海里范围内的毗邻水域,包括近海岛屿的海岸线。

5、The distance covered was to be 1500 nautical miles.───覆盖的距离达到了1500海里.

6、The breadth of the contiguous zone is twelve nautical miles.───毗连区的宽度为十二海里.

7、Captain Watson, aboard the Steve Irwin , said he was still 500 nautical miles from the scene.───“斯提夫·欧文”号的船长沃特森称, 事故发生时, 他在“奥迪吉尔”号500海里的海域外.

8、The ship was 200 international nautical miles off course.───那船偏离航向200国际海里.

9、The word & quot ; knots & quot ; is a seagoing speed term meaning nautical miles per hour.───“节”这个词是海航速度的术语,意思是海里每小时.

10、The device is currently being prepared for ocean trials at a site approximately 33 nautical miles from Invergordon off Scotland’s north-east coast.───该装置目前正准备在离苏格兰东北海岸因弗戈登33海里的地点进行海中实验。

11、It is 206 nautical miles from our present location.───距离我们现在的位置有206海里.

12、The International Maritime Bureau advises ships to keep 200 nautical miles off Somalia.───国际海洋局建议船只应在离索马里200海里的地方行驶.

nautical miles相似词语短语

1、acoustical tiles───吸声砖;隔音砖

2、nautical day───航海日

3、nail files───指甲锉

4、nautical almanacs───n.[天]航海天文历,[天]航海历

5、nautical twilight───[天]航海曙暮光;航海晨昏蒙影时间

6、nautical days───航海日

7、nautical mile───n.海里(合1.852公里)


你好,这是nautical miles per minute的缩写,意思是“纳米每分钟”。

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