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hook up to中文翻译,hook up to是什么意思,hook up to发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

hook up to中文翻译,hook up to是什么意思,hook up to发音、用法及例句

1、hook up to

hook up to发音

英:  美:

hook up to中文意思翻译



hook up to双语使用场景

1、A six-legged creature with the ability to hook up to USB devices through any and all of its highly adjustable limbs.───这只六脚生物通过任一可灵活调节的腿便能连接USB设备。

2、if you do not release the event , the code that you hook up to the event will run even after the program is closed.───如果不释放事件,则即使程序关闭后挂接到该事件上的代码也将运行。

3、Businessmen, in increasing numbers, are purchasing new machines that hook up to the telephone and analyze a caller's voice.───越来越多的商人正购置连接在电话机上、能剖析来电者声音的新机器。

4、All the speakers hook up to a single amplifier.───所有喇叭都接在单一的扩音器上.

5、They let you hook up to a worldwide network called the Internet.───其中,你可以连接英特网这个遍及全球的计算机网络.

6、Context menus are very easy to hook up to forms or controls and can be used to reduce typing.───上下文菜单非常易于挂钩到窗体或控件,而且可用于减少键入。

7、W: not much. I'm just trying to hook up to the internet. I'm having a few problems though.───也没什么。我正在学着上网。不过我还有很多问题。

8、There are also video and audio ports on it for you to hook up to any external players.───在它上面也有视听端口以便于你联接任何外部播放机。

hook up to相似词语短语

1、looked up to───尊敬

2、look up to───尊敬

3、hook up───勾搭某人;与某人来往;搭档工作

4、come up to───v.达到;等于

5、hook ups───勾搭某人;与某人来往;搭档工作

6、got up to───赶上,追上;达到

7、looks up to───尊敬

8、cozy up to───奉承,取悦

9、stood up to───经得起;抵抗;勇敢地面对

2、hook up to被动语态造句?

1.My computer is hooked up to the Internet, so I can communicate with my students at home via email.

2.Colocation equipment needs to be hooked up prior to the client coming in.托管设备需要准备好,在有客户上门之前。

3. I don`t want to be hooked up in a team shoe.我不想被一双队鞋困住。

4. Thus, no one needs to be hooked up to machines against their will.因此,任何一个需要连接到机器违背自己的意愿。

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