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do it yourself中文翻译,do it yourself是什么意思,do it yourself发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

do it yourself中文翻译,do it yourself是什么意思,do it yourself发音、用法及例句

1、do it yourself

do it yourself发音

英:  美:

do it yourself中文意思翻译



do it yourself双语使用场景

1、Again, if you want to have a homepage, Do It Yourself.───不然?假如你只是想有网址的话?那就请自便吧.

2、The next step in personal computing will probably be do - it - yourself cartoons.───使用个人用计算机的下一步可能是你自己制作动画片.

3、No one can plead ignorance of subject any longer, for there are countless do - it - yourself publications.───现在有关“自己动手”的刊物多得不计其数, 所以谁也不能再推说对某方面的事一无所知了.

4、Her popular pot holder is also available in do-it-yourself kits.───她那广受欢迎的防烫布垫也可以自己购买原料套装自己制作。

5、You can't do it yourself. Let me help you.───你自己做不了. 我来帮你吧.

6、so whatever it is, you just do it yourself.───所以无论是什么事情,你只能自己去做。

7、You can buy all these tools at a do-it-yourself store.───你可以在自己动手做商店里买到所有这些工具。

8、I just love your hair that way. Did you do it yourself?───我真喜欢你的头发样式. 是你自己做的 吗 ?

9、Life is a do - it - yourself project . An elderly carpenter was ready to retire.───一位上了年纪的木匠作好了退休的准备.

10、If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.───假如想把一件事做好, 就亲自去做.

11、If you want something done right, best to do it yourself. Right?───如果你想做正确的事,自己一定会尽最大努力去做,不是吗?

12、78 If you would have a thing well done, do it yourself.───78想把事情做好, 就得亲自动手.

13、" It's a competition for amateurs only. You'll have to do it yourself.───“ 这是业余竞赛, 你得自己干.

14、The materials you need are available from any good do-it-yourself store.───所需材料可以从任何好的自己动手商店买到。

15、Did you do it yourself?───这是你自己做的 吗 ?

16、Do it yourself—I don't have time.───你自己做吧—我没时间。

17、But some a time is still a do - it - yourself are getting more overdo.───但是有些时候还是自己做过了头.

18、If you want a thing well do, do it yourself.───要妥善, 自己干.

do it yourself相似词语短语

1、by yourself───独自地,单独地

2、a law unto yourself───你自己的法律


4、not be yourself───不要做你自己

5、to keep to yourself───只为你自己

6、please yourself───随便你


8、suit oneself───随自己的意愿做事




Do It Yourself 具体读法音标如下:

do [英][du][美][du]

it [英][ɪt][美][ɪt]yourself [英][jɔ:ˈself][美][jərˈself]



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