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by mistake中文翻译,by mistake是什么意思,by mistake发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

by mistake中文翻译,by mistake是什么意思,by mistake发音、用法及例句

by mistake

by mistake发音

英:  美:

by mistake中文意思翻译



by mistake双语使用场景

1、I called him George by mistake.───我把他误叫成乔治.

2、The cashier rang up $ 300 by mistake.───出纳员在现金记录机上把售货金额错打成300美元.

3、I went to the savoy by mistake.───我错误的去了萨沃伊.

4、Excuse my taking your umbrella by mistake.───请原谅我错拿了你的伞.

5、Susan forgot her key and locked herself out by mistake.───苏珊忘了带钥匙,误把自己关在门外了.

6、I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake.───我追上那个误拿我赌注的承办人.

7、Declaring the wrong income by mistake will no longer lead to an automatic fine.───失误申报收入不符的不再予以自动罚款。

8、He opened Ingrid's letter by mistake.───他不小心拆了英格丽德的信。

9、He took his neighbour's raincoats by mistake, so he hung them back outside.───他错收了邻居家的雨衣, 于是又把它们挂回原处.

10、He drilled through the wall by mistake.───他误将墙壁钻穿了。

11、She sprayed hair spray in her eye by mistake.───她错把洗头水当成眼药水上到眼睛里了.

12、She let the news slip by mistake , in an unguarded moment.───她一不留神泄漏了消息.

13、He took the wrong train by mistake.───他搭错了火车.

14、I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.───我错拿了你的手提包,还以为是我的呢.

15、Two copies of the same book have been bought by mistake.───书买重了.

16、Indeed, they sometimes dive below as it were by mistake, and are undeceived.───是的, 有时它们氽水到水平线之下,好像这是偶然的错误, 继而恍然大悟.

17、For knowledge and impressed by mistake.───对所学知识和所出错误印象深刻.

18、I locked myself out by mistake.───我没留心把自己锁在外面了.

19、She shut the door on her finger by mistake, and made it bleed.───她关门误夹了手指而流血了.

20、Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?───你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?

21、I picked up your book by mistake.───我拿错了你的书.

22、I took your pen by mistake.───我错拿了你的钢笔.

23、The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake.───那些人在沙尘暴中迷了路,不小心穿越了边境。

24、Another argument against use of capital punishment is that innocent people may be executed by mistake.───另一个反对死刑的观点是无辜的民众有可能会由于误判而被执行死刑.

25、The teacher missed out his name by mistake.───老师错误地遗漏了他的名字.

26、I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.───我不巧错拿了你的包。

27、He has been arrested by mistake.───警方误抓了他。

28、I locked him in by mistake.───我误把他锁在屋里了.

29、Lam Yan is in great debt and is taken as a robber by mistake.───负债累累的林仁,被警察误会是劫匪.他没有勇气面对可能要承担的法律责任,他决定逃亡!

30、Be careful that you don't set the fireworks off by mistake.───当心点,别弄错了引起那些爆竹爆炸.

31、Did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?───你知道炸薯片是由于差错而被发明的 吗 ?

32、She put salt into her tea by mistake.───她误把盐放进茶里去了.

by mistake相似词语短语

1、at stake───危如累卵;处于危险中;在紧要关头

2、to mistake───误会;犯错


4、to mistrace───这是冠军赛

5、to misstate───误述

6、buy a stake───购买股份

7、to mismake───错配




take sth.by mistake意思是:拿错了。其中by mistake为介词短语,常作状语,意思是:错误地。例如:  1、Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?  你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?  2.He has been arrested by mistake.  警方误抓了他。  3.He opened Ingrid's letter by mistake.  他不小心拆了英格丽德的信。

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