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make history中文翻译,make history是什么意思,make history发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

make history中文翻译,make history是什么意思,make history发音、用法及例句

1、make history

make history发音

英:  美:

make history中文意思翻译



make history双语使用场景

1、I'm going out there to make history.───我要出动闯一番大事业.

2、Anybody can make history; only a great man can write it.───谁都可以做出永垂史册的事情, 但惟有伟人才可以将之撰写成书.

3、Let us make history together.───让我们一起来创造历史。

4、To make history or psychology alive I personify it ( Ana ? s Nin )───我将历史或心理人格化,使得它具体生动起来 ( 阿奈斯尼恩 )

5、days she clung to the television news, watching people like her husband make history in Kiev's Independence Square.───几日里,她整天都盯着电视新闻,关注着像她丈夫一样的乌克兰人在基辅独立广场创造历史。

6、Well, museums can make history come alive.───那么, 博物馆,可以让历史活生生地再现.

7、Half a million hippies joined together to make history.───五十万嬉皮士们聚集一堂,盛况空前.

8、Let's help each other , as we're in the same boat now . Together, we'll make history.───让我们肝胆相照 、 同舟共济, 携手共创新的历史.

9、It is the masses who make history.───是群众创造历史.

10、She knows nothing of wealth and power but, in her own way, she has helped make history.───对于财富和权利一无所知,但是她却以自己的方式创造了历史。

11、Hampton continued to make history when he joined Benny Good - man's small combo in 1936.───1936年,汉普顿加入本尼·古德曼的小乐队,并继续创造经典.

make history相似词语短语

1、art history───艺术史

2、shared history───共享的历史

3、modern history───近代史

4、be history───成为历史或过去

5、shape history───形状历史

6、change history───更改历史记录

7、human history───人类历史

8、life history───生活史;传记

9、case history───n.病历;个案史



1. Nike: Just Do It(只管去做)

2. Adidas: Impossible is Nothing(没有什么是不可能的)

3. Puma: Forever Faster(永远更快)

4. Reebok: I know when I'm done(我知道何时结束)

5. Under Armour: Make History(创造历史)

6. New Balance: Be More Human(更加人性化)

7. ASICS: Start Right(开始就做对)

8. Vans: Never Stop Exploring(永不停止探索)

9. Converse: All Star(全明星)

10. Skechers: Get Up,Move,Inspire(站起来,行动,激励)

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