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售后服务 英文(after service中文翻译,after service是什么意思,after service发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

售后服务 英文(after service中文翻译,after service是什么意思,after service发音、用法及例句)

1、after service

after service发音

英:  美:

after service中文意思翻译




after service双语使用场景

1、Cleans and removes dishes from the table after service is completed.───结束服务后,要清理所有的饭菜,并清洁桌面.

2、IBM club is good in both product quality and after service!───IBM俱乐部不仅在产品质量还是售后服务上都做得很好!

3、Assist Sales to before and after service to customer , improve customer satisfaction.───协助销售部门的售前和售后服务, 不断提高客户满意度.

4、Few after service: Ready to abandon product, no need to maintain.───售后服务少: 即弃型产品, 不需要维护.

5、With developing capacity, flawless sales net and after service system.───公司具有自主研发能力, 具备完善的营销网络和售后服务体系.

6、I think the SOA wars are settling down, and it's time for the EA to consider the next step after service enablement.───我认为SOA之战已经尘埃落定,该是时候让EA来考虑在实现服务之后的下一步工作了。

7、Manufacturing, adjusting, setup and after - service for mechanical and electrical facilities.───成套机械和电子设备的制作 、 调试 、 安装和维修.

8、Sales and after service of advanced hot applicators used in various fields.───提供应用于不同生产领域的世界先进复合喷涂生产设备销售及售后服务.

9、With reliable quality guarantee and perfect after - service, our products are distributed all over the world.───可靠的质量保证和真诚的服务态度使顺博的产品行销世界各地.

10、The reason for this is simple: After service formation, the conversion of parameters to and from the native format can take a considerable amount of time.───之所以这样做,其原因很简单:形成服务后,参数与本机格式之间的转换可能会需要相当长的时间。

11、We have the most advanced techniques and the best after - service .───我们有最先进的技术和最好的 售后服务.

12、How can the client be given the perfect after service?───如何能给顾客全面、及时的服务?

13、The author thinks, stock sale should provide necessary after service.───笔者认为, 苗木营销应提供必要的售后服务.

14、Provide nationwide after service network and offers 5 - year warranty.───提供全国售后服务网络,确保五年品质保用.

15、To provide high - quality products for the high - temperature areas and high - quality after - service .───为各高温场所提供优质产品和优质的 售后服务.

16、Fit to product after service of Korrun and feedback of quality data.───适用于本公司所生产产品的售后服务和质量信息的反馈.

17、Implemened the VIS System, Customer Resource Management System ( CRMS ) and After Service System ( ASS ).───20公司 VIS 系统, 客户资源管理系统,售后服务进.

18、Figure 5 shows the sample application after service discovery has been completed.───图5显示了在完成服务发现之后的范例程序。

after service相似词语短语

1、dinner service───西餐具;餐具

2、coffee service───咖啡服务

3、armed services───陆海空三军(等于armedforces)

4、butler service───管家服务


6、diaper service───尿布服务

7、air service───空军;空中勤务

8、active service───现役

9、tea service───n.茶具(等于teaset)








例句:After an hour I went home (= when an hour had passed) .



on and after 自…起

be after 追赶,寻找

after that 然后

after hour 工作完毕

after service n. 售后服务

after stool 大便已后,便后

after the model of 根据…的典范,仿效…

be mad after 对…着迷,狂热地迷恋…

call after v.追喊,以...命名

dangle after v. 追求,尾随

2、beforeprep.在…以前;在…面前(或前面);(次序或排列)在前面conj.在…以前;到…为止;到…之前;以免;不然adv.以前;过去;已经例句:Annie was born a few weeks before Christmas...安妮出生在圣诞节前几周。

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