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校车用英语怎么说(school bus中文翻译,school bus是什么意思,school bus发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

校车用英语怎么说(school bus中文翻译,school bus是什么意思,school bus发音、用法及例句)

school bus

school bus发音

英:  美:

school bus中文意思翻译



school bus双语使用场景

1、What bad luck ! I've missed the school bus.───真糟糕,误了校车了.

2、A school bus was hit by gunfire which exploded the fuel tank.───校车被炮火击中,引爆了油箱。

3、Behind the school bus is a big yellow cement truck.───在学校巴士后面是一辆大的黄色混凝土预拌车.

4、But most students take the school bus to school.───但大部分学生乘校车上学.

5、The school bus takes them to school and brings them back.───校车接送他们上下学。

6、What is the school bus schedule?───校车的时间是怎么安排的?

7、A school bus has been involved in a collision with a tanker.───一辆黉舍通勤车卷入了同一辆油罐车的相撞之中.

8、Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground.───孩子们欢快地跑下黄色的校车,冲进运动场。

9、He bicycles home after school instead of taking the school bus.───放学后他骑自行车回家,而不坐校车.

10、I was waiting for the school bus but it didn't come.───我苦苦等校车来,校车却迟迟未到.

11、I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus.───我走到一个街道拐角处等校车。

12、The school bus is free.───校车是免费的.

13、Beverages are not allowed in the school bus.───校车上不准喝饮料.

14、[ Miles ] It tastes like the back of a fucking L . A . school bus.───它的味道就像他妈洛杉矶校车的 屁股.

15、The school bus leaves at six sharp and won't wait.───校车6点开车,过时不候.

16、Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground.───孩子们跑下黄颜色的校车,奔跑进了操场。

17、In which direction is the school bus pictured below traveling?───下图的校车是向哪个方向开的?

18、I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus.───我走到街角等校车。

school bus相似词语短语

1、school bags───书包

2、school books───教材

3、school bag───书包

4、school run───上学交通高峰期

5、school hours───学校作息时间

6、school buses───校车

7、school busses───校车

8、school runs───上学交通高峰期

9、school funds───学校基金,办学经费



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