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intel inside中文翻译,intel inside是什么意思,intel inside发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

intel inside中文翻译,intel inside是什么意思,intel inside发音、用法及例句

intel inside

intel inside发音

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intel inside中文意思翻译



intel inside双语使用场景

1、The Intel Inside campaign made Intel a highly visible and familiar brand name which is both a source of strength and of weakness.───内置英特尔的活动使得英特尔成为了家喻户晓的品牌名称,这既是优势的来源也是一种弱点。

2、"Just like Intel Inside, I hope you have BEEST inside your electric cars in the future, " Majumdar said.───Majumdar说:“就像‘内含英特尔’(IntelInside)一样,我希望未来你们的电动车中也内含BEEST。”

3、Intel has become one of the world's most recognizable computer brands following its long-running "Intel Inside" campaign.───在长时间进行“英特尔在里面”商业宣传后,英特尔已经成为世界上最易辨认的电脑品牌之一。

4、So he launched the “Intel Inside” campaign, which marketed microprocessor chips directly to consumers, starting in 1991.───因此,他从1991年开始发起了“给你的电脑装上英特尔智慧”的运动,将微处理器芯片直接推销给消费者。

5、This means that higher-priced PCs with Intel Inside will be a smaller percentage of the market.───这意味着拥有内置英特尔芯片的高端电脑在未来只是市场的小部分。

6、So he launched the "Intel Inside" campaign, which marketed microprocessor chips directly to consumers, starting in 1991.───因此,他从1991年开始发起了“给你的电脑装上英特尔智慧”的运动,将微处理器芯片直接推销给消费者。

7、Just like Intel inside, I hope you have BEEST inside your electric cars in the future," Majumdar said.───Majumdar说:“就像‘内含英特尔’(Intel Inside)一样,我希望未来你们的电动车中也内含BEEST。”

8、Intel inside", laptop buyers can now demand "Centrino inside". This encourages PC-makers to buy the entire platform.───现在取而代之“ Intel Inside ”,膝上型电脑购买者会要求“ Centrino Inside ”,这样鼓励PC制造商购买整个平台。

intel inside相似词语短语


2、stay inside───待在里面;呆在室内


4、on the inside───adv.在里面;在内心;知道内情

5、industry insider───业内人士;行业内部人士


7、peek inside───窥视内部

8、step inside───走进里面



1、“intel inside”直译汉语就是:因特尔(装)在里面。


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