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just relax中文翻译,just relax是什么意思,just relax发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

just relax中文翻译,just relax是什么意思,just relax发音、用法及例句

1、just relax

just relax发音

英:  美:

just relax中文意思翻译



just relax双语使用场景

1、Let's just relax and enjoy ourselves.───咱们轻松一下,好好享受享受。

2、Let the kids stay up a bit later, watch a movie, go for a walk or just relax outside.───可以让孩子们晚点睡,看会**,出去散步或者仅仅是出去放松一下。

3、Just relax! I think it is just a piece of cake for you, and your oral English is good.───放轻松,我觉得对你,那是小菜一碟,而且你的口语也不错!

4、If you have someone to your home then you have to be a hostess as opposed to being able to just relax and have dinner.───如果你邀请别人来家里用膳,那你就要招待客人而不能放松享用晚餐了。

5、If you get discouraged just relax, eat some sausage and remember that an unpleasant process can still produce a great final product.───如果感到有些灰心丧气,那就放松一下,吃一些香肠,并请记住一个不怎么让人满意的过程也能产生好的结果。

6、My advice to you, if you experience something crazy involving one of your favorite characters, just relax.───我对你们的建议是:如果你经历了什么疯狂的事卷入了你最喜欢的人物,放松就可以了。

7、relax, honey.They will love you.───轻松,他们会喜欢你的。

8、Even if it was work at first, she'd try to just relax. She'd try not to be bitter, try not to be too much of a widow.───即使刚开始要花点力气,她会尽量放松。她会尽量不去想苦日子,不去想太多寡妇的生活。

just relax相似词语短语

1、cost rent───n.成本租金,租赁成本


3、just the same───还是;完全一样;照旧(等于allthesame)

4、just because───正因为

5、muscle relaxant───[药]肌肉松弛剂;肌弛缓药

6、just reward───只是奖励

7、to relax───放松


relax反义词是: tire

However tired you may be , you must do it .

Owing to jet lag, i left so tired .

Go to bed. you look tired out .

He was tired to such a degree that he fainted.

Buying tires has become confusing .

He felt refreshed and agreeably tired .

I am too tired to care about clothes .

She kept on working although she was tired .

He dragged his tired feet slowly along .

Skelton was too tired to argue further .

He just does n't know what it is to be tired.

You should go easy , you are getting tired.

He was tired out and wet through .

I never tire of listening to classical music .

She was very gray and weak and tired .

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