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world weather中文翻译,world weather是什么意思,world weather发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

world weather中文翻译,world weather是什么意思,world weather发音、用法及例句

world weather

world weather发音

英:  美:

world weather中文意思翻译



world weather双语使用场景

1、As an example, consider a plug-in that invokes a World Weather Web Service for major cities every hour and wants to make the information available to other plug-in and views.───作为一个例子,请考虑一个每小时调用World Weather Web Service来查询主要城市的气象的插件,它要使这些信息可供其他插件和视图使用。

2、Sports seasons may even change world weather patterns.───运动季节甚至可能会改变全世界的气象型态呢.

3、But even our intern voiced concern over real-world weather conditions.───但即便这样,我们的实习生也还是表达了对它在真实环境中表现的担心。

4、This annual day should be a reminder to all that we have an impact on world weather, and that global warming is a matter of life and death.───这普通的一天是非常值得我们醒悟的一天,我们必须意识到世界天气的重要性,并且全球性变暖是生与死的问题。

world weather相似词语短语

1、world beater───举世无双的事物


3、foul weather───恶劣的气候,坏天气

4、world leader───世界领导者;世界领袖


6、world beaters───举世无双的事物

7、warm weather───温暖的天气;温暖的气候


world weather英[wɜː(r)ld ˈweðə]美[wɜrld ˈwɛðɚ]世界天气[例句]How companies around the world weather the ripple effect of lehman 's collapse is a crucial question in coming days and weeks , lawyers said.律师们表示,在未来数周里,如何应对雷曼兄弟破产的连锁反应是全世界企业所面临的关键问题。

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