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time deposit中文翻译,time deposit是什么意思,time deposit发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

time deposit中文翻译,time deposit是什么意思,time deposit发音、用法及例句

time deposit

time deposit发音

英:  美:

time deposit中文意思翻译




time deposit双语使用场景

1、I wonder how much interest I can earn from a time deposit of ten thousand Yuan.───我想知道存一万元的定期存款可以得到多少利息.

2、I'd like to have a three year time deposit in the amount of two thousand pounds.───我想开一个两千英镑的三年定期存款帐户。

3、You can have both a time deposit and a current deposit account in the one passbook.───一本存折里既有定期账户,又有活期账户.

4、B : Well . I have a time deposit here, maturing two months later.───我有一张定期存单, 可是要在两个月后才到期.

5、M ; Well , unfortunately, you would incur a penalty, as any premature cancellation of a time deposit.───很遗憾, 就象提前支取定期存款一样, 您得接受一定罚款.

6、B : Well, I have a time deposit here, but it will mature in two months time.───B: 我有一张定期存单, 可是要在两个月后才到期.

7、Registration is not accepted for Time Deposit Account, Loan Account and Credit Card Account.───此项登记并不接受定期存款户口 、 贷款户口及信用卡户口.

8、a six-month time deposit is 2.1 percent.───个月定期存款的年利率是2.1%。

9、Dear auspicious: am in all the time deposit this idea, expectation can receive interest.───亲爱的吉: 我一直在储蓄这个想法, 期望能得到利息.

10、You need to provide your ID card or passport to withdraw your time deposit before maturity.───办理提前支取时,您必须出示身份证或护照.

11、And if it's a time deposit, the interest rate is higher than the current one.───如果是定期存款, 利息要比活期存款高.

12、Certificate of deposit: Certificate of an interest - bearing time deposit with a bank.───定期储蓄存单: 在某银行中的有息定期储蓄存款单.

13、One way is to use time deposit mortgages, so short - term financing.───方式之一就是用定期存款抵押贷款, 做 短期 融资.

14、A : Hello . Would you tell me something about time deposit?───A: 存款到期时可以转期续存 吗 ?

15、Open fund is not time deposit, year of its accrual and net value are concerned.───开放基金不是定期存款, 它的年收益与净值有关.

16、B : I have a time deposit here . But it'll mature two months later.───我这儿有张定期存款单,两个月以后到期.

time deposit相似词语短语

1、time deposits───[金融]定期存款

2、bank deposit───银行存款

3、oil deposits───油田;石油矿床

4、direct deposit───一种工资直接进入帐户的付薪方法

5、minimum deposit───最低预付押金

6、large deposit───大额存款

7、to deposit───存款

8、cash deposit───[金融]保证金;[金融]现金存款

9、direct deposits───一种工资直接进入帐户的付薪方法




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